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企業漂綠與漂棕效果之研究 = = The effect of greenwash and brownwash of a firm / by: 曾毗霏; 欒錦榮; Luan, Chin-Jung (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
事件研究法 信號理論 corporate governance national competitiveness model Labor Standards Act Working-Hours 控制權偏離 代理理論 Biodegradable Packaging, Biodegradable, Attitude, Perceived Food Safety, Purchasing Intention Greenwash 美中貿易戰 高階管理團隊 foreign investors 財務績效 國際原油價格 Red Supply Chain Mergers and Acquisitions Retail Channels 新冠肺炎疫情 Co-existence Policy 寵物友善 competitive landscape energy transition 烏俄戰爭 新型冠狀肺炎疫情 Covid-19 金融詐騙防制 Internationalization. Apple-Concept-Stock green energy industry abnormal return 資訊揭露透明度 information transparency and disclosure mega sports event eSports excess control Attitude 轉型策略 轉型績效 政黨概念股 America concepts stock Brand Equity retailers Political-Party-Concept Stocks Abnormal Return 新冠肺炎 購併 線上通路 全聯 碳揭露 Institutional investors 經濟制裁 Huawei ban business model canvas blue ocean strategy sustainable development situation across the Taiwan strait 汽車零組件廠商 Car component manufacturers. 蘋果概念股 Tax Reform 再生能源 綠能產業 勞動基準法 核心代理問題 fraud transformation strategies intelligent logistics 漂綠 PoliticalParty-Concept Stocks First-mover Advantage Upper-echelons theory Ruling Party Re-election Event study 能源產業 Panic Suppliers RT-Mar Degree of internationalization abnormal returns 寵物友善旅宿 競爭態勢 永續發展 artificial stone industry five forces analysis 車聯網 智慧車 Internet of vehicles. 巴黎氣候協定 運動產業 sports industry Universiade 企業舞弊 Purchasing Intention 國營事業 transformation performance 惠臺政策 Sino-American trade war China concepts stock 外資 執政黨連任 藍綠概念股 Abnormal return 碳強度 機構投資人持股比率 國際化程度 high level officials to Taiwan anti-sanctions 國際化 中國概念股 異常報酬 家族企業 interlocking independent outside directors game theory 概念股 體育事業 Vietnam 一例一休 agency theory principal-principal problem Packaging 漂棕 China’s Beneficial Policies Toward Taiwan 美國概念股 高層理論 暢貨中心 事件研究 outlets 異常報酬 集團治理 Corporate governance Green Energy Pandemic 恐慌性消費 紅色供應鏈 PX Mart COVID-19 碳排放變動率 Carbon emission change rate Pet-friendly environmental pressure 能源轉型 Ukraine-russia war 穩健開放邊境政策 fraud crime incidents 量化緊縮 quantitative tightening Event study. China-Concept-Stock 節約能源 recycling energy semiconductor first-mover advantage 鑽石理論 One regular leave day and one rest day Perceived Food Safety Brownwash 企業社會責任 event Study New South-bound policy concepts stock 危機 威脅剛性理論 高階管理團隊異質性 Crisis Top management team 百貨零售 純網銀 網通產業 ICT industry Banking 善因行銷 Cause-related marketing 零售通路 Online Channels 與病毒共存政策 華為禁令 五力模型 藍海策略 環境壓力 高級官員訪臺 反制裁 the impact of Taiwan’s open borders 詐騙犯罪事件 financial fraud prevention 專業化零售 Event Study event study 公司治理 半導體 賽局理論 世界大學運動會 Event Study, state-owned businesses 新南向概念股 Joint Marketing Activities 策略改變 Top management team heterogeneity strategy change Internet-Only Banks Energy Policy Energy Industry Energy Storage 疫情大流行 限電 大潤發 Carbon disclosure Carbon intensity 商業模式創新 Porter five forces analysis 五力分析 燃料電池車 Category specialist. Intelligence vehicles. 稅制改革 Paris Climate Agreement energy saving 獨立董事兼任程度 family business 先驅優勢 大型賽會 電競產業 工時 Abnormal Return, 智慧物流 Corporate Social Responsibility 聯合行銷 品牌權益 threat-rigidity theory 銀行業 中心性 Centrality Financial Performance Power Rationing 供應商 economic sanctions Pet-friendly homestay 人造石產業 兩岸局勢 fuel cell vehicles 金融機構 financial institutions