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作品: 2 作品在 17 項出版品 1 種語言
Exploring the dynamic interactions among firms in automobile industry / by: 吳娜拉; 彭玉樹; Peng, Yu-Shu (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
欲走還留?月子餐產業之轉型策略 : = 馨心月子餐為例 / by: 彭玉樹; Peng, Yu-Shu; 卓馨茹 (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
專利訴訟案件特質、廠商資源與資訊揭露之研究 = = The Characteristics of Patent Litigation Cases, Firm Resources, and Information Disclosure / by: 彭玉樹; 欒錦榮; Tsai, Yu-Tang; Peng, Yu-Shu; 蔡語棠; Luan, Chin-Jung (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
懷舊民宿顧客消費行為之探討 : = 以計劃行為理論的觀點 / by: 彭玉樹; Peng, Yu-Shu.; 鄭育姍 (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
非預期接班與決策行為之研究 = = Research on unexpected succession and decision behavior / by: 彭玉樹; Peng, Yu-Shu; 劉俐伶 (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Maslow's theory of hierarchy of need 海外代購 交易成本 知覺價值 Theory of Planned Behavior Environmental Concern resource based view China2lcstt group cohesiveness Non-market Competitive Strategy National Health Insurance Cloud Data Competitive dynamics 少子化 辦學績效 決策模式 stewardship WOWPRIME 志願役人員 雙因子理論 Aesthetics Lifestyle Achievement 非市場競爭策略 organizational facilitating factors 轉型策略 不動產投資信託(REITs) 碳揭露 二元邏輯斯迴歸 survival analysis 文化創意產業 O’rip Cultural and Creative Industry Group entrepreneurship perceived risk perceived quality perceived value Nostalgia Attitude UTAUT Model Battery Electric Motorcycle 成就感 團隊凝聚力 企業財務績效 Automobile industry Event study five forces analysis 校長 領導 土地信託 institutional theory 非預期性接班 王品集團 Group Industrial 馬斯洛需求層級理論 再購意願 oversea shopping Effort Expectancy Corporate Social Perform 留營意願 Insurance-like effect 企業政治活動 Coporate Financial Performance 健康存摺 組織促成條件 unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) technology acceptance model3 (TAM3) 零散產業 transformation strategy real estate investment trusts (REITs), liquidation of REITs 組織同形 binary logistic regression 集團興業 知覺風險 Range Anxiety Behavioral Intention to Use 計畫行為理論 吸引力 組織氣氛 工作滿意度 organizational climate Coporate Political Activity 月子餐產業 fragmented industry birth rate reduction land trust 制度理論 organizational isomorphism decision-making model 集團創業 美感生活型態 retaining willingness 企業社會責任 類似保險效果 整合性科技接受模式 My Health Bank Electric vehicle confinement meal industry Principal school performance 利害關係人 管家精神 two-factor theory of motivation 知覺品質 repurchase intention 懷舊民宿 Performance Expectancy Social Influence Facilitating Conditions Attraction 離職傾向 job satisfaction 科技接受模式3 Strategic group theory 五力分析 策略矩陣 時間相依共變數COX迴歸 carbon disclosure unexpected succession O’rip 生活旅人 策略矩陣分析法 Strategic Matrix Analysis All-Volunteered System transaction cost 計劃行為理論 stakeholder thoery turnover intention Coporate Social Responsibility 雲端資訊系統 AMC framework strategy matrix leadership REITs清算 stakeholder 存活分析 cox regression with time-dependent covariates