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Works: 1 works in 7 publications in 2 languages
嘟嘴男孩 : = 重製計劃 = Pouting boy : reproduction plan / by: 廖蕙芬; 簡伯勳; 鄭崇孝; Zheng, Chong-Xiao (Language materials, printed)
沙拉 : = 一本關於感覺與旅程的書 = Salad : a book about feeling and journey / by: 廖蕙芬; 趙道浡; 王佩瑄; Lin, Tzu-Huan; 林子桓 (Language materials, printed)
臺灣美術家「刺客列傳」五年級生 = = "The pioneers" of Taiwanese artists, 1961-1970 / . 1961-1970 by: 張正霖; 蔡昭儀; 許恬瑛; 廖蕙芬; 白斐嵐 (Language materials, printed)
臺北當代藝術館...年報. = Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei annual reoprt.. 2010 =; 2010 / by: 廖蕙芬; 石瑞仁; 臺北當代藝術館; 高慈敏; 廖芸菁; 凱勁中英翻譯服務公司 (Language materials, printed)
寶庫解密 : = 典藏保存維護特展 = Decoding the treasure trove : an exhibition of collection & conservation / by: 廖蕙芬; 蔡昭儀; 白斐嵐; 薛燕玲; 陳達芬 (Language materials, printed)
伍眾會計劃 : = 境物虛擬-劉和讓 = B-5 Project : boundry substance in virtual / by: 簡伯勳; 劉和讓; 廖蕙芬; Liu, Ho-Jang (Language materials, printed)
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