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Lu, Jin-Ray

Works: 1 works in 12 publications in 1 languages
基金流量風險與投資人決策 = = Mutual fund's flow risk and investor's decision / by: 張雅淳; 呂進瑞; Lu, Jin-Ray (Language materials, printed)
市場風險與選擇權定價 = = Market risk and option pricing / by: 呂進瑞; Lu, Jin-Ray; 蘇品嘉 (Language materials, printed)
負債比率的理論價值 = = Theoretical value of debt ratio / by: 呂進瑞; Lu, Jin-Ray; 曾嘉俊 (Language materials, printed)
景氣循環下投資人的最適資產分配 = = Optimal asset allocations under business cycles / by: 吳昌叡; 呂進瑞; Lu, Jin-Ray (Language materials, printed)
新聞、眼動追蹤與定錨效應 = = News, Eye-Tracking, and Anchoring Effect. / by: 廖于姍; 呂進瑞; Lu, Jin-Ray (Language materials, printed)
股東權益報酬率的公平水準 = = Fair levels of returns on equity / by: 戴學宏; 呂進瑞; Lu, Jin-Ray (Language materials, printed)
Valuation and risk management of long call condor strategy / by: MOTSA ZANDILE TEMA; 呂進瑞; Lu, Jin-Ray (Language materials, printed)
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