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Corporate Governance Climate change disclosure presidential election 物聯網 事件研究法 corporate governance Corporate Governance Evaluation Mobile payment Work flow Self-directed learning readiness Learning outcomes third-party certification 股票異常報酬 人格特質 D&O insurance E-commerce Purchase Intention 行動商務 Product Brand Image Accounting education abnormal returns 網路紅人 Stock Price Abnormal Returns 董監事監督品質 關鍵查核事項 Board Supervisory Quality 流程自動化機器人 Robotic process automation 永續報告書 總統大選 使用意願 Personality Traits 董監事與重要職員責任險 遊戲實況主 網紅個人特質 財稅差異 financial distress 學習成效 Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 機構投資人持股比 裁量性應計項目 Internet of Things 稀少性訊息 Mobile shopping Advertising attitude Scarcity messages 參考群體 整合性科技接受模型 第三方驗證 Information Security 氣候變遷揭露 利害關係人理論 Stakeholder theory 購買意願 產品品牌形象 內部控制 tax avoidance 會計教育 ESG report 公司治理 CDP Internet celebrity 股價異常報酬 IoT Event Study negative media reporting 電子商務 廣告態度 自我導向學習傾向 the rate of institutional investor ISO/IEC27001 資訊安全 discretionary accruals Intention of Using IOT 負面事件媒體報導 公司治理評鑑 Key Audit Matters Game streamer Influencer's of Personal Characteristics Reference Groups 行動支付 作業流程 Internal control 租稅規避 book-tax difference 財務危機