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Chih, Hsiang-Hsuan

作品: 1 作品在 40 項出版品 1 種語言
景氣循環 mobile phone 大盤指數 Stock Market Index Aquaculture Cereals and their products 景氣循環指標 企業策略 財務績效 institutional ownership earnings management Petrochemical real estate Printed Circuit Board 飯包 食材 Boxed Meal Ingredients 冷軋不銹鋼捲板銷售量指數 熱軋不銹鋼捲板生產量指數 Economic Cycle Stainless Steel Manufacturing 血糖診斷試劑 氧氣 Industrial gas 公司財務績效 number of employees medical equipment 顯示器及終端機產業 電腦周邊產業 電話及手機產業 肉類 Lagging Indicators 盈餘管理 myopic market pricing 股市大盤指數 家庭消費支出型態 percentage difference 支付政策 迎合理論 production values of automotive parts financial performance Sales of the Precious Metals 股利支付政策 Investment Decisions 董監事暨重要職員責任保險 Firm Characteristic 薪資 salaries 經理人能力 獨特性風險 電腦產業 stock market index 營業額 蔬菜 Meat Vegetables 差異百分比 household consumption expenditure types 企業放款 景氣領先指標 The Number of Motorcycle Registrations land/building ownership registration area 印刷電路板 Banto 飲料製造業 熱軋不銹鋼捲板銷售量指數 Cold-Rolled Stainless-Steel Coil Production Index 天然氣 Nitrogen Taiwan stock market Corporate Strategy 股市大盤 corporate financial performance leading indicator peripherals BCG matrix corporate strategy Lagging Indicator 機構投資人所有權 乳品製造業 避稅 Lead-lag relation Business cycle Beverage industry Hot-Rolled Stainless-Steel Coil Sales Index Blood glucose diagnostic reagents Hydrogen Sand and gravel total working hours 醫療器材 monitor and terminator business cycle audiovisual electronic products Backward Indicators 非店面零售業 Non-alcoholic Beverages Leading Indicator 景氣落後指標 Corporate Lending catering theory 經濟週期 飲料業 Leading indicator Production, Sales and Stock Value of Jewelry and Precious Metals Products Manufacturing Directors' and Officers' Liability Insurance lagging indicator computer 視聽電子產品 非酒精飲料 Transportation Salary 穀類及其製品 市場短視 market performance lagging indicators 台灣加權股價指數 Business Cycle Indicators tax avoidance 領先/落後關係 土地/建物買賣所有權登記面積 lead–lag relation 企業社會責任 Dividend Payout Policy 資本結構 不銹鋼製造業 Hot-Rolled Stainless-Steel Coil Production Index 其他診斷試劑 氫氣 液氮 公司特性 砂石 消費者物價指數 consumer price index directors' and officers' liability insurance 領先指標 落後指標 Business Cycle 網路購物 Non-store retail Online shopping Fluctuations 公司策略 earning management stock market Taiwan Capitalization Weighted Stock Index payout policy 汽車零件製造業生產值 機車登記數量 innovation performance of CSR 石化 Business Cycles 冷軋不銹鋼捲板生產量指數 Cold-Rolled Stainless-Steel Coil Sales Index Other diagnostic reagents 景氣 Natural gas Oxygen Corporate Financial Performance Operating Performance managerial ability Leading Indicators BCG矩陣 Turnover 運輸業薪資 水產 市場績效 leading indicators CSR 創新績效 Dairy-Related Industries 不動產 便當 貴金屬銷售值 Corporate Social Responsibility Financial Performance 投資決策 Capital Structure 珠寶與金工製品製造業 工業氣體 股市 經營績效 Market Performance 總工時 員工人數 directors’ and officers’ Liability Insurance idiosyncratic risk