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Hargreaves, Andy.

Works: 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
What's worth fighting for in education? / by: Fullan, Michael.; Hargreaves, Andy. (Language materials, printed)
Teaching in the knowledge society = education in the age of insecurity / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Hargreaves, Andy. (Language materials, printed)
Understanding teacher development by: Fullan, Michael.; Hargreaves, Andy. (Language materials, printed)
International handbook of educational change / by: Hargreaves, Andy. (Language materials, printed)
The Global fourth way : = the quest for educational excellence / by: Hargreaves, Andy.; Shirley, Dennis, (1955-) (Language materials, printed)
The sharp edge of educational change : = teaching, leading and the realities of reform / by: Bascia, Nina.; Hargreaves, Andy. (Language materials, printed)
What's worth fighting for in your school? by: Fullan, Michael.; Hargreaves, Andy. (Language materials, printed)
Curriculum and assessment reform / by: Hargreaves, Andy. (Language materials, printed)
Learning to change : = teaching beyond subjects and standards / by: Hargreaves, Andy. (Language materials, printed)
Collaborative professionalism : = when teaching together means learning for all / by: Hargreaves, Andy.; O'Connor, Michael T. (1986-) (Language materials, printed)
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School management and organization- Periodicals.- United States Curriculum planning- Periodicals.- United States Curriculum planning- Great Britain. Educational evaluation- Great Britain. Educational change- United States. School improvement programs- Ontario - Lee, Teng-hui Addresses and me Teachers- Attitudes. Competency based education. Middle school teaching- Ontario Educational leadership. Competency-based education. Education- Finland. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development- Periodicals. Educational change. Education. Leadership & Administration. Professional learning communities Teacher participation in administration.- Educational change. School Supervision- Periodicals.- United States School management and organization- Decision making. Educational change Community and school. Education and globalization Teachers- Professional relationships Teacher participation in administration.- School management and organiza Teachers. Educational change- Canada. School improvement programs- United States. Education (general) School improvement programs Teachers Training of. School management and organization. Education- Social aspects. Effective teaching. Education- Curricula Educational change- Finland. Teachers In-service training. Education, Secondary- Curricula.- Great Britain Curriculum change- Ontario Educational planning- Handbooks, manuals, etc. Teaching- Social aspects. Teacher participation in administration. School improvement programs- Canada. Teachers- In-service training
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