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Crichton, Michael

Works: 2 works in 14 publications in 2 languages
奈米獵殺 / by: 克萊頓 ((Crichton, Michael)); 洪蘭; Crichton, Michael (Language materials, printed)
NEXT危基當前 / by: 克萊頓 ((Crichton, Michael)); 洪蘭; Crichton, Michael (Language materials, printed)
急診室的春天 = ER by: 美國; 克隆尼 ((Clooney, George)); 愛德華 ((Edwards, Anthony)); 瑪格莉絲 ((Margulies, Julianna)); 克萊頓 ((Crichton, Michael)); Crichton, Michael; Clooney, George; Edwards, Anthony; Margulies, Julianna (Projected and video material)
麥可.克萊頓旅行開麥拉 / by: 克萊頓 ((Crichton,Michael)); 劉泗翰; Crichton, Michael (Language materials, printed)
微境殺機 / by: 克萊頓 ((Crichton, Michael)); 普雷斯頓 ((Preston, Richard)); 李靜宜; 連正世; Crichton, Michael; Preston, Richard (Language materials, printed)
火車大劫案 = = The great train robbery / by: 克萊頓 ((Crichton, Michael)); 仲錫; 李兆平; Crichton, Michael (Language materials, printed)
火車大劫案 / by: 克萊頓 ((Crichton, Michael)); 尤傳利; Crichton, Michael (Language materials, printed)
海盜經緯 / by: 克萊頓 ((Crichton, Michael)); 洪蘭; Crichton, Michael (Language materials, printed)
時間線 / by: 克萊頓 ((Crichton, Michael, 1942- )); 何致和; Crichton, Michael (Language materials, printed)
侏羅紀公園. . 2, . 失落的世界 / by: 祁阿紅; 紀衛平; 孫永明; Crichton, Michael; 克萊頓 ((Crichton, Michael),) (1942-2008) (Language materials, printed)
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