Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.)
作品: | 5 作品在 4 項出版品 3 種語言 |
De profundis, The ballad of Reading Gaol and other writings /
Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.)
A house of pomegranates the happy prince and other tales /
Ross, Robert.; Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.)
The picture of dorian gray and for love of the king /
Ross, Robert.; Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.)
Drama for students. = presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas /. Volume 9
Milne, Ira Mark,; Gale Group.
Drama for students. = presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas /. Volume 8
Gale Group.; Galens, David,
Narrating the past through theatre = four crucial texts /
Bennett, Michael Y., (1980-)
The duchess of padua /
Ross, Robert.; Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.); Bristow, Joseph.
Drama for students. = presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas /. Volume 21
Gale Group.; Hacht, Anne Marie,
Drama for students. = presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas /. Volume 4
Gale Group.; Galens, David,
The picture of Dorian Gray
NetLibrary, Inc.; Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.); Mighall, Robert.
Lady Windermere's fan ; = A woman of no importance ; An ideal husband ; The importance of being earnest ; Salome /
Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.)
El retrato de Dorian Gray
NetLibrary, Inc.; Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.); Testadiferro, Marcela.
El fantasma de Canterville
NetLibrary, Inc.; Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.); Testadiferro, Marcela.
Lady Windermere's fan ; = Salome ; A woman of no importance ; An ideal husband ; The importance of being earnest /
Holland, Peter.; Wiggins, Martin.; Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.); Cordner, Michael.; Raby, Peter.
The Canterville ghost /
Escott, John.; Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.); Durantz, Summer,
The picture of Dorian Gray
Murray, Isobel.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.)
Novels for students. = presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied novels /. Volume 20
Milne, Ira Mark,; Gale Group.; Sisler, Timothy,
The Complete illustrated stories, plays & poems of Oscar Wilde.
Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.)
Lady Windermere's fan : = Oscar Wilde ; edited by Vincent F. Hopper and Gerald B. Lahey with a note on the staging by George L. Hersey ; illustrations by Fritz Kredel.
Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.)
The Picture of Dorian Gray : = an annotated, uncensored edition /
Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.); Frankel, Nicholas, (1962-)
The picture of Dorian Gray : = authoritative texts, backgrounds, reviews and reactions, criticism /
Lawler, Donald L.; Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.)
The importance of being Earnest : = a trivial comedy for serious people /
Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.); Jackson, Russell.
Lord arthur savile's crime and two other short stories = = Le crime de lord arthur savile et deux autres nouvelles /
Nordon, Pierre.; Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.)
Bibliography of Oscar Wilde /
Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.); Mason, Stuart.; Ross, Robert.
Lady Windermere's fan ; = Salome ; A woman of no importance ; An ideal husband ; The importance of being earnest /
Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.); Raby, Peter.
Oscar Wilde's aesthetic education = the Oxford classical curriculum /
SpringerLink (Online service); Grech, Leanne.
Strauss's Salome
Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.); NetLibrary, Inc.; Fisher, Burton D.; Strauss, Richard, (1864-1949.)
Lord arthur savile's crime and other prose pieces /
Ross, Robert.; Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.)
Lord Arthur Savile's crime, the model millionaire, the sphinx without a secret /
Wilde, Oscar, (1854-1900.); Roberts, David, (1970-); Bowler, Bill.
Children's stories, English.
Operas- Librettos.
Carballido, Emilio.- I, too, speak of the rose.
Strindberg, August,- Fr�ken Julie.
Rabe, David.- Streamers.
Kennedy, Adrienne.- Funnyhouse of a negro.
Marlowe, Christopher,- Tamburlaine the great.
Wharton, Edith,- Summer.
American fiction- 20th century.
Eliot, George,- Silas Marner.
Ghost stories.
Wilde, Oscar,- Salom�e.
Future life- Fiction.
Portraits- Fiction.
Conduct of life- Fiction.
Garc�a Lorca, Federico,- Casa de Bernarda Alba.
Hare, David,- Plenty.
Guare, John.- House of blue leaves.
Barry, Philip,- Philadelphia story.
MacArthur, Charles,- Front page.
Wilson, Lanford,- Hot L Baltimore.
Gao, Xingjian.- Other shore.
Fiction- 19th century.
Literature- History and criticism.
Prisoners- England
English language
B�uchner, Georg,- Dantons Tod.
Brecht, Bertolt,- Leben des Galilei.
Appearance (Philosophy)
Fairy tales- Ireland.
Soul- Fiction.
English drama- 19th century.
Strauss, Richard,- Salome.
Euripides.- Iphigenia in Tauris.
Brecht, Bertolt,- Dreigroschenoper.
Eliot, T. S.- Murder in the cathedral.
Inge, William.- Bus stop.
Jarry, Alfred,- Ubu roi.
Wilde, Oscar,- Salom?
Brecht, Bertolt,- Gute Mensch von Sezuan.
Ionesco, Eug�ne.- Chaises.
Wilde, Oscar,- Lady Windermere's fan.
American drama- 20th century.
Hugo, Victor,- Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Stevenson, Robert Louis,- Treasure island.
Fiction- Study and teaching (Higher)- United States.
Fiction- Study and teaching (Secondary)- United States.
Fiction- 20th century.
Crane, Stephen,- Maggie : a girl of the streets.
Fitzgerald, F. Scott- This side of paradise.
Grahame, Kenneth,- Wind in the willows.
Readers (Adult)
Mother and daughters.
British and Irish Literature.
Fantastic fiction, English.
Fairy tales- England.
Wilder, Thornton,- Skin of our teeth.
American drama.
Childress, Alice.- Trouble in mind.
Miller, Arthur,- All my sons.
Pomerance, Bernard.- Elephant man.
Henley, Beth.- Miss Firecracker contest.
Iizuka, Naomi.- 36 views.
Shakespeare, William,- Romeo and Juliet.
Dickens, Charles,- Hard times.
Reading comprehension
European drama- History and criticism.- 19th century
Conduct of life
Queer Studies.
Fairy tales.
Authors, Irish- 19th century
Prisons- Literary collections.
Dorfman, Ariel.- Muerte y la doncella.
Ionesco, Eug�ne.- Cantatrice chauve.
Osborne, John,- Look back in anger.
Wilde, Oscar,- Importance of being earnest.
Drama- Study and teaching (Secondary)- United States.
Albee, Edward,- Three tall women.
Bond, Edward.- Saved.
Glaspell, Susan,- Trifles.
Gorky, Maksim,- Na dne.
Cruz, Nilo.- Anna in the tropics.
Wiechmann, Barbara.- Feeding the moonfish.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel,- House of the seven gables.
Aesthetics- Philosophy.
Appearance (Philosophy)- Fiction.
Wilde, Oscar,- Correspondence.
Authors, Irish- Correspondence.- 19th century
Sophocles.- Electra.
Pirandello, Luigi,- Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore.
Wilson, Lanford,- Burn this.
Drama- Study and teaching (Higher)- United States.
Fuller, Charles.- Soldier's play.
Rattigan, Terence.- Browning version.
Stoppard, Tom.- Real thing.
Anouilh, Jean,- Antigone.
Hecht, Ben,- Front page.
Strindberg, August,- Sp�ksonaten.
Kyd, Thomas,- Spanish tragedy.
Leroux, Gaston,- Phantom of the opera.
Fiction- History and criticism.
European drama- History and criticism.- 20th century
Classical Studies.
Young men- Fiction.- England
Jonson, Ben,- Alchemist.
O'Neill, Eugene,- Hairy ape.
Ibsen, Henrik,- Peer Gynt.
Arden, John.- Serjeant Musgrave's dance.
O'Neill, Eugene,- Mourning becomes Electra.
Pirandello, Luigi,- Cos??(se vi pare$.
Beane, Douglas Carter,- As bees in honey drown.
Auburn, David,- Proof.
Brooks, Mel,- Producers.
Corneille, Pierre,- Cid.
Duras, Marguerite.- India song.
Wilde, Oscar,- Ideal husband.
Twain, Mark,- Connecticut yankee in King Arthur's court.
American fiction- 19th century.
English drama.
Short stories.
Wilde, Oscar,
Wilde, Oscar,- Picture of Dorian Gray.
Manners and custons- Fiction.
Medoff, Mark Howard.- Children of a lesser god.
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley,- School for scandal.
Drama- History and criticism.
Dramatic criticism.
Sophocles.- Ajax.
Drama- 20th century.
Wells, H. G.- War of the worlds.
English fiction- 19th century.
Douglas, Alfred Bruce,
Nineteenth-Century Literature.