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Levin, Henry M.

Works: 1 works in 1 publications in 1 languages
Comparing public and private schools by: Haertel, Edward.; James, Thomas, 1948-; Levin, Henry M. (Language materials, printed)
Schooling and work in the democratic state / by: Levin, Henry M.; Carnoy, Martin. (Language materials, printed)
公立與私立之間 : = 城市學校改革的政治、治理和一種新的投資組合模式 / by: 美國; Levin, Henry M.; Bulkley, Katrina E.; 翟靜麗; 龔欣; Henig, Jeffrey R.; 赫尼格 ((Henig, Jeffrey R.)); 巴爾克萊 ((Bulkley, Katrina E.)); 萊文 ((Levin, Henry M.)) (Language materials, printed)
Effective schools in developing countries / by: Levin, Henry M.; Lockheed, Marlaine E. (Language materials, printed)
Cost-effectiveness and educational policy / by: Levin, Henry M.; McEwan, Patrick J.; American Education Finance Association. (Language materials, printed)
Comparing public and private schools by: Haertel, Edward.; James, Thomas, 1948-; Levin, Henry M. (Language materials, printed)
Privatizing educational choice : = consequences for parents, schools, and public policy / by: Levin, Henry M.; Belfield, C. R. (Language materials, printed)
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