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Jones, Elizabeth, (1930-)

Works: 1 works in 1 publications in 1 languages
Playing to get smart by: Cooper, Renatta M.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Jones, Elizabeth, (1930-) (Language materials, printed)
The play's the thing : = teachers' roles in children's play / by: Reynolds, Gretchen.; Jones, Elizabeth, (1930-) (Language materials, printed)
The play's the thing = teachers' roles in children's play / by: Reynolds, Gretchen.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Jones, Elizabeth, (1930-) (Language materials, printed)
小遊戲.大學問 : = 教師在幼兒遊戲中的角色 / by: 瓊斯 ((Jones,Elizabeth,著1930-)); 雷諾茲 ((Reynolds, Gretchen)); 陶英琪; Jones, Elizabeth, (1930-); Reynolds, Gretchen. (Language materials, printed)
Playing to get smart / by: Cooper, Renatta M.; Jones, Elizabeth, (1930-) (Language materials, printed)
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