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Deleuze, Gilles.

Works: 1 works in 20 publications in 2 languages
Nomadology : = the war machine / by: Guattari, F幨ix.; Deleuze, Gilles. (Language materials, printed)
Gilles Deleuze = an introduction / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; May, Todd, (1955-) (Language materials, printed)
Cinema / by: Deleuze, Gilles. (Language materials, printed)
Deleuze and literature / by: Buchanan, Ian, (1969-); Marks, John, (1964-) (Language materials, printed)
Deleuze : = a critical reader / by: (Language materials, printed)
Gilles Deleuze : = an introduction / by: May, Todd, (1955-) (Language materials, printed)
Gilles Deleuze and the theater of philosophy / by: Boundas, Constantin V.; Olkowski, Dorothea. (Language materials, printed)
Deleuze : = the clamor of being / by: Badiou, Alain. (Language materials, printed)
Expressionism in philosophy : = Spinoza / by: Deleuze, Gilles. (Language materials, printed)
Bergsonism / by: Deleuze, Gilles. (Language materials, printed)
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Philosophy. Repetition (Philosophy) Philosophy, French- 20th century. War (Philosophy) Philosophy of mind. Art, Baroque. Logic. Science. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, F歋minisme et art. Subjectiviteit. Carroll, Lewis,- Alice's adventures in Wonderland. Science- Philosophy. Psychoanalysis- Social aspects. Aesthetics, Modern- 20th century. Hume, David,- Treatise of human nature. Lacan, Jacques, Philosophy and religion. Language and languages- Sytle. Motion pictures- Philosophy. Guattari, F幨ix. Kelly, Mary,- Critique et interpr歋tation. Spinoza, Benedictus de, Semiotics. Philosophy, Modern- 20th century. Feminist theory. Bataille, Georges, Empiricism- History- 20th century. Gehlen, Arnold. Organisationspsychologie. Psychoanalysis. Radicalism. Politics and war. Deleuze, Gilles. Oedipus complex- Social aspects. Capitalism. Social psychiatry. Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Irigaray, Luce. Body, Human (Philosophy) Deleuze, Gilles- Contributions in logic. Kelly, Mary, Representation (Philosophy) Psychanalyse et art. Organization- Philosophy. Organizational behavior. Spinoza, Benedictus de,- Contributions in concept of expression. Nomads. Aesthetics, Modern. Literature- Philosophy. Derrida, Jacques. Language and languages- Philosophy. Difference (Philosophy) Aesthetics. Psychoanalysis and philosophy. Foucault, Michel. Knowledge, Theory of. Philosophy- History- 20th century.- France Postmodernism- History. Proust, Marcel,- A la recherche du temps perdu. Immanence (Philosophy) Ontology. Deleuze, Gilles- Et la logique. Psychoanalysis and art. Postmodernism. Expression. Deleuze, Gilles Empiricism. Difference (Philosophy)- History- 20th century. Kafka, Franz,- Criticism and interpretation. Foucault, Henri. Empirisme. Bergson, Henri, Semantics (Philosophy) Schizophrenia- Social aspects. Subjectivity. Pluralism- History- 20th century. Style, Literary. Levinas, Emmanuel. Nancy, Jean-Luc. Guattari, Felix. Kelly, Mary,- Criticism and interpretation. Feminism and art. Hume, David,
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