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Alexander, Jeffrey C.

Works: 14 works in 9 publications in 2 languages
Culture and society : = contemporary debates / by: Seidman, Steven.; Alexander, Jeffrey C. (Language materials, printed)
Neofunctionalism and after / by: Alexander, Jeffrey C. (Language materials, printed)
The new social theory reader : = contemporary debates / by: Seidman, Steven.; Alexander, Jeffrey C. (Language materials, printed)
The meanings of social life : = a cultural sociology / by: Alexander, Jeffrey C. (Language materials, printed)
Mainstream and critical social theory : = classical, modern, and contemporary / by: Alexander, Jeffrey C. (Language materials, printed)
The Civil Sphere by: Alexander, Jeffrey C. (Electronic resources)
社會學的理論邏輯 / by: 于曉; 唐少杰; Alexander, Jeffrey C.; 亞歷山大 ((Alexander, Jeffrey C.)); 蔣和明; 戴盛中; 夏光 (Language materials, printed)
Fin de siecle social theory = relativism, reduction, and the problem of re by: Alexander, Jeffrey C. (Language materials, printed)
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