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Goodin, Robert E.

Works: 2 works in 3 publications in 1 languages
Deliberative Politics in Action : = Analysing Parliamentary Discourse. by: Bachtiger, Andre.; Barry, Brian.; Elkin, Stephen.; Goodin, Robert E.; Hardin, Russell.; Pateman, Carole.; Sporndli, Markus.; Steenbergen, Marco R.; Weingast, Barry.; Ebooks Corporation.; Steiner, Jurg. (Electronic resources)
A new handbook of political science / by: Klingemann, Hans-Dieter.; Goodin, Robert E. (Language materials, printed)
The Real Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. by: Goodin, Robert E.; Ebooks Corporation.; Dirven, Henk-Jan.; Headey, Bruce.; Muffels, Ruud. (Electronic resources)
Democracy in Divided Societies : = Electoral Engineering for Conflict Management. by: Barry, Brian.; Elkin, Stephen.; Goodin, Robert E.; Hardin, Russell.; Pateman, Carole.; Weingast, Barry.; Ebooks Corporation.; Reilly, Benjamin. (Electronic resources)
Policy-Making and Diversity in Europe : = Escape from Deadlock. by: Barry, Brian.; Elkin, Stephen.; Goodin, Robert E.; Hardin, Russell.; Pateman, Carole.; Weingast, Barry.; Ebooks Corporation.; Heritier, Adrienne. (Electronic resources)
Justice and democracy : = essays for Brian Barry / by: Barry, Brian M.; Dowding, Keith M.; Goodin, Robert E.; Pateman, Carole. (Language materials, printed)
On Complicity and Compromise by: Lepora, Chiara.; Goodin, Robert E. (Electronic resources)
Social Traps and the Problem of Trust. by: Barry, Brian.; Elkin, Stephen.; Goodin, Robert E.; Hardin, Russell.; Pateman, Carole.; Weingast, Barry.; Ebooks Corporation.; Rothstein, Bo. (Electronic resources)
Reflective Democracy by: Oxford University Press.; Goodin, Robert E. (Language materials, printed)
A companion to contemporary political philosophy / by: Goodin, Robert E.; Pettit, Philip, (1945-); Pogge, Thomas Winfried Menko. (Language materials, printed)
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