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Nichols, Michael P.

Works: 108 works in 5 publications in 1 languages
Family healing : = tales of hope and renewal from family therapy / by: Nichols, Michael P.; Minuchin, Salvador. (Language materials, printed)
家族治療概論 / by: 尼可斯 ((Nichols, Michael P.)); 施瓦茲 ((Schwartz, Richard C.)); 王慧玲; 連雅慧; Nichols, Michael P.; Schwartz, Richard C. (Language materials, printed)
家族治療的理論與方法 / by: 尼可斯 ((Nichols, Michael P.)); 施瓦茲 ((Schwartz, Richard C.)); 王慧玲; 連雅慧; Nichols, Michael P.; Schwartz, Richard C. (Language materials, printed)
The lost art of listening / by: Nichols, Michael P. (Language materials, printed)
家族治療 / by: 尼可斯 ((Nichols, Michael P.)); 尼可 ((Nichols, Michael P.)); 劉瓊瑛; Nichols, Michael P. (Language materials, printed)
家庭與伴侶評估 : = 四步模式 / by: 米紐慶 ((Minuchin, Salvador)); 尼可 ((Nichols, Michael P.)); 李維榕 ((Lee, Wai-Yung)); 林麗純; Minuchin, Salvador; Lee, Wai-Yung; Nichols, Michael P.; 楊淑智 (Language materials, printed)
別再跟孩子吵 / by: 尼可斯 ((Nichols, Michael P.)); 柯清心; Nichols, Michael P. (Language materials, printed)
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