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Martin, Emily.

Works: 20 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
Religion and ritual in Chinese society / by: China; Martin, Emily.; Wolf, Arthur P.,; Joint Committee on Contemporary China., Subcommittee on Research on Chinese Society. (Language materials, printed)
The Anthropology of Taiwanese society / by: Taiwan; Gates, Hill.; Martin, Emily.; Joint Committee on Contemporary China. (Language materials, printed)
The cult of the dead in a Chinese village by: Martin, Emily. (Language materials, printed)
Religion and ritual in Chinese society by: Martin, Emily.; NetLibrary, Inc.; China; Joint Committee on Contemporary China., Subcommittee on Research on Chinese Society.; Wolf, Arthur P. (Electronic resources)
Chinese ritual and politics / by: Martin, Emily.; China (Language materials, printed)
Studies in Chinese society / by: China; China; Martin, Emily.; Wolf, Arthur P. (Language materials, printed)
The woman in the body = a cultural analysis of reproduction / by: Martin, Emily.; NetLibrary, Inc. (Language materials, printed)
The Anthropology of Taiwanese society/ by: Taiwan; Gates, Hill.; Martin, Emily.; Joint Committee on Contemporary China. (Language materials, printed)
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