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Guattari, Felix.

Works: 1 works in 7 publications in 2 languages
What is philosophy? / by: Guattari, Felix.; Deleuze, Gilles. (Language materials, printed)
Kafka : = toward a minor literature / by: Guattari, Felix.; Deleuze, Gilles. (Language materials, printed)
A Thousand plateaus : = capitalism and schizophrenia / by: Guattari, Felix.; Deleuze, Gilles. (Language materials, printed)
The three ecologies / by: Guattari, Felix. (Language materials, printed)
The Guattari reader / by: Genosko, Gary.; Guattari, Felix. (Language materials, printed)
Anti-Oedipus : = capitalism and schizophrenia / by: Deleuze, Gilles.; Hurley, Robert.; Seem, Mark.; Lane, Helen R.; Guattari, Felix. (Language materials, printed)
Deleuze and Guattari : = critical assessments of leading philosophers / by: Genosko, Gary. (Language materials, printed)
Anti-Oedipus : = capitalism and schizophrenia / by: Guattari, Felix.; Deleuze, Gilles. (Language materials, printed)
Deleuze and Guattari's Anti-Oedipus : = introduction to schizoanalysis / by: Holland, Eugene W.; Deleuze, Gilles. (Language materials, printed)
The anti-Oedipus papers / by: Guattari, Felix.; Nadaud, Stephane. (Language materials, printed)
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