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Salkind, Neil J.

Works: 2 works in 5 publications in 1 languages
Ebay online auctions by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Salkind, Neil J.; Frey, Bruce.; EBay (Firm) (Language materials, printed)
Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics / by: Salkind, Neil J. (Language materials, printed)
Encyclopedia of educational psychology / by: Salkind, Neil J.; Rasmussen, Kristin, (1981-) (Language materials, printed)
Child development by: Salkind, Neil J. (Language materials, printed)
Encyclopedia of measurement and statistics by: Salkind, Neil J.; Rasmussen, Kristin, (1981-) (Electronic resources)
Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics / by: Salkind, Neil J. (Language materials, printed)
愛上統計學 / by: Salkind, Neil J.; 薩爾金德 ((Salkind, Neil J.)); 莊文忠; 鄭天澤 (Language materials, printed)
Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh : = analyzing and understanding data / by: Salkind, Neil J.; Green, Samuel B., (1947-.) (Language materials, printed)
Handbook of research design & social measurement / by: Salkind, Neil J.; Miller, Delbert Charles, (1913-) (Language materials, printed)
研究設計與社會量測導引 / by: 薩爾金德 ((Salkind, Neil J.)); 風笑天; Miller, Delbert C.; Salkind, Neil J.; 米勒 ((Miller, Delbert C.)) (Language materials, printed)
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