Developing countries
作品: | 11 作品在 6 項出版品 2 種語言 |
Education, equity and transformation /
Developing countries; Breier, Mignonne.; Kallaway, Peter.; Soudien, Crain.; Unesco., Institute for Education.
From modernization to globalization : = perspectives on development and social change /
Roberts, J. Timmons.; Hite, Amy.; Developing countries
From modernization to globalization : = perspectives on development and social change /
Hite, Amy.; Roberts, J. Timmons.; Developing countries
The globalization and development reader : = perspectives on development and global change /
Roberts, J. Timmons.; Hite, Amy.; Developing countries; Developing countries
The present as history : = critical perspectives on contemporary global power /
Developing countries; Developing countries; Developing countries; Shaikh, Nermeen.
Poverty, Inc. : = fighting poverty is big business. But who profits the most? /. resented by Povertycure, Acton Media, and Coldwater Media ; producers, James F. Fitzgerald, Jr., Michael Matheson Miller ; Münkel and Mark Weber ; written by Jonathan Witt, Michael Matheson Miller, Simon Scionka ; directed by Michael Matheson Miller.
Developing countries; Developing countries; Witt, Jonathan, (1966-); PovertyCure (Organization); Münkel, Anielka.; Weber, Mark.; Fitzgerald, James F.; Scionka, Simon.; Small, Tom.; Miller, Michael Matheson; Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Sociology and development /
Developing countries; De Kadt, Emanuel Jehuda.; Williams, Gavin.
Encountering development : = the making and unmaking of the third world /
Developing countries; Developing countries; Escobar, Arturo, (1951-)
COVID-19 pandemic impact on new economy development and societal change
Developing countries; Developing countries; Popescu, Cristina Raluca Gh., (1983-)
Strong societies and weak states : = state-society relations and state capabilities in the Third World /
Migdal, Joel S.; Developing countries; Developing countries
Beyond sweatshops = foreign direct investment and globalization in developing countries /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Moran, Theodore H., (1943-); Developing countries; Developing countries
State power and social forces : = domination and transformation in the Third World /
Migdal, Joel S.; Developing countries; Developing countries; Kohli, Atul.; Shue, Vivienne.
Coping with changing environments : = social dimensions of endangered ecosystems in the developing world /
Geist, Helmut, (1958-); Lohnert, Beate.; Developing countries
Critical engagement with public sociology : = a perspective from the Global South /
Developing countries; Bezuidenhout, Andries.; Mnwana, Sonwabile.; Von Holdt, K.
The design of rural development : = lessons from Africa /
Africa; Developing countries; Developing countries; World Bank.; Lele, Uma J.
The Third World Beyond the Cold War = Continuity and Change
Oxford University Press.; Developing countries; Developing countries; Sayigh, Yezid; Fawcett, Louise
Researching developing countries = a data resource guide for social scientists /
Wright, Forrest D.,; Developing countries
Promises not kept : = poverty and the betrayal of Third World development /
Isbister, John, (1942-); Developing countries; Developing countries
No life without roots : = culture and development /
Developing countries; Verhelst, Thierry G.
International perspectives on the human factor in economic development
Developing countries; Developing countries; Adjibolosoo, Senyo B-S. K.
Law and disorder in the postcolony /
Developing countries; Comaroff, Jean.; Comaroff, John L., (1945-)
Retirement migration to the Global South = global inequalities and entanglements /
Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Developing countries; Schweppe, Cornelia.
Encountering development : = the making and unmaking of the Third World /
Escobar, Arturo, (1952-); Developing countries; Developing countries
Women in the age of economic transformation : = gender impact of reforms in post-socialist and developing countries /
Developing countries; Europe, Eastern
Exploring post-development : = theory and practice, problems and perspectives /
Developing countries; Developing countries; Ziai, Aram.
Encountering development = the making and unmaking of the Third World /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Escobar, Arturo, (1952-); Developing countries; Developing countries
The Sociology of post-colonial societies : = economic disparity, cultural diversity, and development /
Goldthorpe, J. E.; Goldthorpe, J. E.; Developing countries
The sociology of developing societies /
Hoogvelt, Ankie M. M.; Developing countries
Civil war is not a stupid thing : = accounting for violence in developing countries /
Cramer, Christopher, (Dr.); Developing countries
Sustainable urban development and globalization = new strategies for new challenges : with a focus on the global south /
Developing countries; Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Petrillo, Agostino.; Bellaviti, Paola.
The Changing political economy of the Third World /
Dorraj, Manochehr.; Developing countries; Developing countries; Developing countries
The companion to development studies /
Developing countries; Desai, Vandana, (1965-); Potter, Robert B.
Encountering development : = the making and unmaking of the Third World /
Escobar, Arturo, (1952-); Developing countries; Developing countries
The present as history : = critical perspectives on contemporary global power /
Developing countries; Developing countries; Developing countries; Shaikh, Nermeen.
Women- Economic conditions.- Developing countries
Educational law and legislation- Developing countries.
International economic relations.
Crime- Developing countries.
Investments, Foreign, and employment- Developing countries.
Sustainable Development.
Sociology- Methodology.
Human services- Developing countries.
Older immigrants- Developing countries.
Aging Population.
Economic development- Developing countries.
Sociology- Developing countries.
Women- Economic conditions.- Europe, Eastern
Europe, Eastern- Social condit
Violence- Developing countries.
Investments, Foreign- Government policy- Developing countries.
Sustainable development.
Human Geography.
Human capital- Developing countries.
Developing countries- Social policy.
Social control.
Developing countries- Politics and government.
Women- Social conditions.- Europe, Eastern
Education and state- Developing countries.
Democratization- Developing countries.
World politics- 1989-
Civil war- Economic aspects- Developing countries.
Sustainable development- Developing countries.
Globalization- Social aspects.
Regional/Spatial Science.
Economic assistance- Developing countries.
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-- Economic aspects- Developing countries.
Economic development- Social aspects- Developing countries.
Developing countries- Economic conditions.
Social change.
Investments, Foreign- Moral and ethical aspects- Developing countries.
Social Work and Community Development.
Rural development- Sociological aspects.
Culture conflict.
Retirees- Developing countries.
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-- Social aspects- Developing countries.
Civil society- Developing countries.
Sociology- Philosophy.
Economic development.
Developing countries- Economic policy.
International relations.
Intellectuals- Interviews.
Civil war- Developing countries.
Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning.
Poverty- International cooperation.
Community development- Developing countries.
Social change- Developing countries.
Nationalism- Developing countries.
Manufacturing industries- Employees.- Developing countries
Economic development- Social aspects.
Social evolution.
Diffusion of innovations.
Social indicators- Developing countries.
Human Migration.
Developing countries- Emigration and immigration
International economic integration- Social aspects- Developing countries.
Developing countries- Social conditions.
Economic history- 1945-
Women- Social conditions.- Developing countries
Educational equalization.
Africa- Rural conditions
Civilization, Modern- 1950-
Social history- 20th century.
Endangered ecosystems- Developing countries.
Foreign trade and employment- OECD countries.
Urbanization- Developing countries.
Environmental Management.
Cultural Heritage.
Social surveys.
Poverty- Developing countries.
Technical assistance- Social aspects.
Indigenous peoples- Developing countries.
Development economics.