Carreras, Jose
Works: | 2 works in 3 publications in 2 languages |
威爾第 : = 安魂曲彌撒音樂會
威爾第 ((Verdi, Giuseppe, 1813-1901)); 阿巴多 ((Abbado, Claudio, 1933- )); 馬格莉特.普萊絲 ((Price, Margaret, 1941- )); 荷西.卡列拉斯 ((Carreras, Jose)); 潔西.諾曼 ((Norman, Jessye)); 魯傑洛.萊蒙地 ((Raimondi, Ruggero)); Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901); Abbado, Claudio (1933-); Carreras, Jose; Norman, Jessye; Price, Margaret (1941-); Raimondi, Ruggero; London Symphony Orchestra
(Projected and video material)
白遼士 = Hector Berlioz The Deum : 感恩讚歌 /
卡列拉斯 ((Carreras, Jose)); Carreras, Jose; Greenberg, Rodney V; Abbado, Claudio; Berlioz, Hector (1803-1869); 維也納愛樂管弦樂團; The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra; Fickler, Yehuda; 白遼士 ((Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869)); 阿巴多 ((Abbado, Claudio))
(Projected and video material)
史帝費里歐 = Stiffelio /
威爾第 ((Verdi, Giuseppe)); 卡列拉斯 ((Carreras, Jose)); 摩辛斯基 ((Moshinsky, Elijah)); Verdi, Giuseppe; Carreras, Jose; Moshinsky, Elijah; 柯芬園皇家歌劇院管絃樂團(Orchestra of the Royal Opera House); 皇家歌劇院合唱團(The Royal Opera Chorus); Orchestra of the Royal Opera House; The Royal Opera Chorus
(Projected and video material)
世界三大男高音 = The three tenors: the impossible dream : 美夢成真之旅 /
卡列拉斯 ((Carreras, Jose)); 多明哥 ((Domingo, Placido)); 帕華洛帝 ((Pavarotti, Luciano)); Carreras, Jose; Domingo, Placido; Pavarotti, Luciano
(Projected and video material)