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Works: 3 works in 4 publications in 1 languages
Conrad's reading = space, time, networks / by: Africa; SpringerLink (Online service); Chambers, Helen. (Electronic resources)
Re-reading tragic Africa = development, neoliberalism and contemporary fiction / by: Africa; SpringerLink (Online service); Rushton, Amy. (Electronic resources)
Claiming history : = colonialism, ethnography, and the novel / by: Coundouriotis, Eleni.; Africa (Language materials, printed)
Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness = a casebook / by: Moore, Gene M., (1948-); NetLibrary, Inc.; Africa (Language materials, printed)
Home and nation in Anglophone autobiographies of Africa by: Africa; SpringerLink (Online service); Englund, Lena. (Electronic resources)
Joseph Conrad's Heart of darkness / by: Bloom, Harold.; Africa (Language materials, printed)
Envisioning Africa : = racism and imperialism in Conrad's Heart of darkness / by: Africa; Firchow, Peter Edgerly, (1937-) (Language materials, printed)
Africa and its significant others = forty years of intercultural entanglement / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Africa; Alphen, Ernst van.; Hoving, Isabel.; Korsten, Frans-Willem.; Africa; Africa (Language materials, printed)
Reading and seeing ethnic differences in the Enlightenment = from China to Africa / by: Tautz, Birgit.; Africa; Palgrave Connect (Online service); China (Electronic resources)
Africanism and authenticity in African-American women's novels / by: Levin, Amy K., (1957-); Africa (Language materials, printed)
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Africa- In motion pictures. American fiction- Women authors African American women- Intellectual life. African American women in literature. Racism in literature. Intercultural communication- Europe. Blacks in literature. Enlightenment- Germany. Magic realism (Literature) Intertextuality. Cultural History. Imperialism in literature. African fiction (French)- History and criticism. Africa- In mass media. Africa- Relations- Europe. Literature. Tragic, The, in literature. American fiction- African American authors Women and literature- History- 20th century.- United States Intercultural communication in literature. Religion in literature. Autobiography- African authors American fiction- African influences. Psychological fiction, English- History and criticism. History in literature. Africa- In art. Postcolonialism- Africa. China- In literature. Holy, The, in literature. Comparative literature- African and English. Twentieth-Century Literature. World Literature. African fiction (English)- History and criticism. Africa- Colonization. Africa- Relations- America. Ethnicity in literature. German literature- History and criticism.- 18th century African literature (English)- History and criticism. Literature and society- History- 20th century.- Africa Postcolonialism in literature. Africa- In literature. Conrad, Joseph,- Views on imperialism. Race in literature. Visual anthropology- Africa. Cultural relations in literature. Culture in literature. Comparative literature- English and African. Comparative Literature. Narrative Text and Prose. American fiction- History and criticism.- 20th century Conrad, Joseph,- Heart of darkness. Political fiction, English- History and criticism. Visual sociology- Africa. African literature- History and criticism. Non-Fiction Literature. Africa in popular culture- United States. African Americans in literature. European fiction- History and criticism. Intercultural communication- Africa. Intercultural communication- America. Emecheta, Buchi- Criticism and interpretation. Women and literature- History- 20th century.- Nigeria Myth in literature. Politics and literature- History- 20th century.- Africa Conrad, Joseph,- Criticism and interpretation. African fiction- History and criticism. History of the Book. Nineteenth-Century Literature. Home in literature. African Literature.
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