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Jain, L. C.

Works: 1 works in 9 publications in 1 languages
Fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy systems in medicine / by: Teodorescu, Horia-Nicolai.; Kandel, Abraham.; Jain, L. C. (Language materials, printed)
Grass without roots : = rural development under government auspices / by: Krishnamurthy, B. V.; Tripathi, P. M.; Jain, L. C. (Language materials, printed)
Intelligent adaptive control : = industrial applications / by: De Silva, Clarence W.; Jain, L. C. (Language materials, printed)
Knowledge-based intelligent information and engineering systems = 7th International Conference, KES 2003, Oxford, UK, September 3-5, 2003 proceedings / by: Howlett, Robert J., (1954-); Jain, L. C.; Palade, Vasile, (1964-); SpringerLink (Online service); International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (2003 :) (Language materials, printed)
Fusion of machine learning paradigms = theory and applications / by: Hatzilygeroudis, Ioannis.; Tsihrintzis, George A.; Jain, L. C.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Fuzzy clustering models and applications / by: Sato, Yoshiharu, (1946-); Jain, L. C.; Sato, Mika, (1966-) (Language materials, printed)
Knowledge-based software engineering: 2022 = proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (JCKBSE 2022), Larnaca, Cyprus, August 22-24, 2022 / by: Virvou, Maria.; Jain, L. C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Saruwatari, Takuya.; Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (2022 :) (Electronic resources)
Human centred intelligent systems = proceedings of KES-HCIS 2023 Conference / by: Jain, L. C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Howlett, Robert J.; Zimmermann, Alfred.; KES International Conference on Human-Centered Intelligent Systems ((2023 :) (Electronic resources)
Knowledge-based intelligent information and engineering systems. = 8th international conference, KES 2004, Wellington, New Zealand, September 20-25, 2004 : proceedings/. part I by: Howlett, Robert J., (1954-); Jain, L. C.; Negoita, Mircea Gh.; SpringerLink (Online service); International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Electronic Systems (2004 :) (Language materials, printed)
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Computer games- Programming. Genetic algorithms. Computer security. Appl.Mathematics/Computational Methods of Engineering. Artificial intelligence Software engineering Signal, Speech and Image Processing. Medical informatics. Software Engineering. Decision making- Data processing Computational intelligence. Bioinformatics. Engineering and Technology Education. Medicine- Data processing. Data and Information Security. Soft computing. Data protection. Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics) Management of Computing and Information Systems. Fuzzy systems. Life sciences- Data processing. Data Engineering. Intelligent control systems. Computer Appl. in Administrative Data Processing. Neural networks (Computer science) Programmable controllers. User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction. Neural networks (Computer science). Adaptive control systems. Digital watermarking. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. Computational Intelligence. Cyber-Physical Systems. Rural development- India. Expert systems (Computer science) Game theory. Electronic apparatus and appliances- Automatic control Expert systems (Computer science)- Congresses. Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet) Artificial Intelligence. Signal processing- Digital techniques Computer Imaging, Vision, Pattern Recognition and Graphics. Artificial intelligence- Medical applications. Machine Learning. Intelligent control systems Cryptography. Watermarks- Data processing. Machine learning. Engineering. Computer Science. Computers and Society. Computer systems. Computer science. Internet in education Teaching and Teacher Education. User-centered system design Three-dimensional imaging Knowledge Based Systems. Intelligent agents (Computer software) Fuzzy sets. Evolutionary programming (Computer science) Mathematical optimization. Artificial intelligence. Human-computer interaction Internet of Things. Computer graphics Fuzzy systems in medicine. Neural networks (Neurobiology)
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