Wilder, Thornton, (1897-1975.)
作品: | 1 作品在 0 項出版品 0 種語言 |
Our town ; = The skin of our teeth ; The matchmaker /
Wilder, Thornton, (1897-1975.)
The journals of Thornton Wilder, 1939-1961 /
Gallup, Donald Clifford, (1913-); Wilder, Thornton, (1897-1975.) (1985.); Wilder, Thornton, (1897-1975.)
Famous American plays of the 1940s /
Wilder, Thornton, (1897-1975.); Laurents, Arthur.; McCullers, Carson, (1917-1967.); Hewes, Henry.; Miller, Arthur, (1915-2005.); Anderson, Maxwell, (1888-1959.)
Drama for students. = presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas /. Volume 4
Galens, David,; Gale Group.
Novels for students. = presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied novels /. Volume 24
Milne, Ira Mark,; Gale Group.
Drama for students. = presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas /. Volume 1
Galens, David,; Spampinato, Lynn,; Gale Group.
The ides of March /
Rosenwald, Edith Goodkind,; Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress); Wilder, Thornton, (1897-1975.); Rome
Drama for students. = presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas /. Volume 16
Galens, David,; Gale Group.
Euripides.- Medea.
Goldsmith, Oliver,- She stoops to conquer.
Rostand, Edmond,- Cyrano de Bergerac.
Williams, Tennessee,- Glass menagerie.
Carballido, Emilio.- I, too, speak of the rose.
Strindberg, August,- Fr�ken Julie.
Baraka, Imamu Amiri,- Baptism.
Lawrence, Jerome,- Night Thoreau spent in jail.
Wilder, Thornton,- Matchmaker.
Wilson, Lanford,- Mound builders.
Rome- History- 53-44 B.C.
Authors, American- Diaries.- 20th century
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich,- Cherry orchard.
Hart, Moss,- You can't take it with you.
Kaufman, George S.- You can't take it with you.
Garc�a Lorca, Federico,- Casa de Bernarda Alba.
Hare, David,- Plenty.
Churchill, Caryl.- Cloud nine.
Lewis, C. S.- Lion, the witch, and the wardrobe.
Literature- History and criticism.
New Hampshire
Sophocles.- Oedipus Rex.
Rodgers, Richard,- King and I.
Shaw, Bernard,- Pygmalion.
Euripides.- Iphigenia in Tauris.
Brecht, Bertolt,- Dreigroschenoper.
Eliot, T. S.- Murder in the cathedral.
Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de,- Barbier de S�ville.
Behn, Aphra,- Rover.
Stoppard, Tom.- Dogg's Hamlet.
Eugenides, Jeffrey.- Middlesex.
Hesse, Hermann,- Steppenwolf.
Fiction- Study and teaching (Higher)- United States.
Fiction- Study and teaching (Secondary)- United States.
American drama- 20th century.
Young women
Hellman, Lillian,- Little foxes.
Ibsen, Henrik,- Doll's house.
Miller, Arthur,- Death of a salesman.
American drama.
Wilder, Thornton,- Skin of our teeth.
Hare, David,- Secret rapture.
Lee, Robert Edwin,- Night Thoreau spent in jail.
Lurie, Alison.- Foreign affairs.
Heads of state- Fiction.
Wilder, Thornton,- Diaries.
Wilder, Thornton,- Our town.
Drama- Study and teaching (Secondary)- United States.
Dorfman, Ariel.- Muerte y la doncella.
Ionesco, Eug�ne.- Cantatrice chauve.
Osborne, John,- Look back in anger.
Wilde, Oscar,- Importance of being earnest.
Blume, Judy.- Forever.
Updike, John.- Toward the end of time.
Caesar, Julius- Fiction.
World history
Marlowe, Christopher,- Doctor Faustus.
Drama- Study and teaching (Higher)- United States.
Sophocles.- Electra.
Pirandello, Luigi,- Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore.
Wilson, Lanford,- Burn this.
Cleage, Pearl.- Flyin' West.
O'Neill, Eugene,- Beyond the horizon.
Faulkner, William,- Light in August.
Hulme, Keri.- Bone people.
Kingsolver, Barbara.- Poisonwood bible.
Robinson, Marilynne.- Gilead.
Fiction- History and criticism.
Jonson, Ben,- Alchemist.
O'Neill, Eugene,- Hairy ape.
Anderson, Maxwell,- Both your houses.
Ibsen, Henrik,- Brand.
McNally, Terrence.- Master class.
Oates, Joyce Carol,- We were the Mulvaneys.
City and town life
Sophocles.- Antigone.
Hammerstein, Oscar,- King and I.
Williams, Tennessee,- Streetcar named Desire.
Drama- History and criticism.
Dramatic criticism.
Medoff, Mark Howard.- Children of a lesser god.
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley,- School for scandal.
Wilder, Thornton,- Bridge of San Luis Ray.