Jackson, Samuel L.
Works: | 2 works in 26 publications in 5 languages |
金牌特務 = Kingsman : the secret service /
范恩 ((Vaughn, Matthew)); 弗斯 ((Firth, Colin)); 傑克森 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); 肯恩 ((Caine, Michael)); 史壯 ((Strong, Mark)); Vaughn, Matthew.; Firth, Colin.; Jackson, Samuel L.; Caine, Michael.; Strong, Mark.
(Projected and video material)
美國隊長 = Captain America : 酷寒戰士 : the winter soldier / . 2
羅索 ((Russo, Anthony)); 伊凡 ((Evans, Chris)); 喬韓森 ((Johansson, Scarlett)); 瑞福 ((Redford, Robert)); 傑克森 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); Russo, Anthony.; Evans, Chris.; Johansson, Scarlett.; Redford, Robert.; Jackson, Samuel L.
(Projected and video material)
紅色小提琴 = The red Violin /
吉哈德 ((Girard, Francois)); 張艾嘉; 傑克森 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); 榭奇 ((Cecchi, Carlo)); Girard, Francois; Cecchi, Carlo; Jackson, Samuel L.
(Projected and video material)
限制級戰警 2 = xXx:the next level : 極限公園 /
傑克森 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); Tamahori, Lee; Cube, Ice; Jackson, Samuel L.; Speedman, Scott; 泰馬哈瑞 ((Tamahori, Lee)); 畢德曼 ((Speedman, Scott)); 達福 ((Willem Dafoe)); 酷巴(Cube, Ice); Willem , Dafoe
(Projected and video material)
終極警探 = Die hard with a vengeance / . 3
威利 ((Willis, Bruce)); 傑克遜 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); Jackson, Samuel L.; Willis, Bruce; 麥克泰蒙 ((McTiernan, John)); McTiernan, John
(Projected and video material)
鋼鐵人 = Iron man / . 2
Favreau, Jon; Downey, Robert, Jr.; Jackson, Samuel L.; Paltrow, Gwyneth; 法佛羅 ((Favreau, Jon)); 道尼 ((Downey, Robert, Jr.)); 傑克森 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); 派特洛 ((Paltrow, Gwyneth))
(Projected and video material)
水深火熱 = Deep blue sea /
哈林 ((Harlin, Renny)); 布洛斯 ((Burrows, Saffron)); 傑克森 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); 潔恩 ((Jane, Thomas)); Harlin, Renny; Burrows, Saffron; Jackson, Samuel L.; Jane, Thomas
(Projected and video material)
王牌對王牌 = The negotiator /
Jackson, Samuel L.; Spacey, Kevin; 史貝西 ((Spacey, Kevin)); 傑克森 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); Gray, F. Gary; 葛雷 ((Gray, F. Gary))
(Projected and video material)
地動天驚 = Sphere /
李文遜 ((Levinson, Barry)); 史東 ((Stone, Sharon)); 傑克遜 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); 霍夫曼 ((Hoffman, Dustin)); Levinson, Barry; Hoffman, Dustin; Jackson, Samuel L.; Stone, Sharon
(Projected and video material)
決殺令 = Django unchained /
福克斯 ((Foxx, Jamie)); 傑克森 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); Tarantino, Quentin.; DiCaprio, Leonardo.; Foxx, Jamie.; Jackson, Samuel L.; 塔倫提諾 ((Tarantino, Quentin)); 狄卡皮歐 ((DiCaprio, Leonardo))
(Projected and video material)
火線衝突 = Rules of engagement /
培斯 ((Pearce, Guy)); 傑克森 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); 瓊斯 ((Jones, Tommy Lee)); Jones, Tommy Lee; Pearce, Guy; Jackson, Samuel L.; Scott, Ridley; 史考特 ((Scott, Ridley))
(Projected and video material)
驚心動魄 = Unbreakable /
威利 ((Willis, Bruce)); 傑克遜 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); Jackson, Samuel L.; Penn, Robin Wright; Willis, Bruce; 沙馬蘭 ((Shyamalan, M. Night))
(Projected and video material)
機器戰警2014 = RoboCop 2014 /
派迪夏 ((Padilha, Jose)); 奧德曼 ((Oldman, Gary)); 傑克遜 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); 基頓 ((Keaton, Michael)); Padilha, Jose.; Oldman, Gary.; Jackson, Samuel L.; Keaton, Michael.
(Projected and video material)
美國隊長(公播版) = Captain America : 酷寒戰士 : the winter soldier / . 2
Johansson, Scarlett.; Redford, Robert.; Jackson, Samuel L.; 羅索 ((Russo, Anthony)); 伊凡 ((Evans, Chris)); 瑞福 ((Redford, Robert)); 傑克森 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); 喬韓森 ((Johansson, Scarlett)); Russo, Anthony.; Evans, Chris.
(Projected and video material)
復仇者聯盟 = Avengers : 奧創紀元 : age of ultron / . 2
米勒 ((Miller, George)); 道尼 ((Downey Jr., Robert)); 漢斯沃 ((Hemsworth, Chris)); 魯法洛 ((Ruffalo, Mark)); 伊凡 ((Evans, Chris)); 喬韓森 ((Johansson, Scarlett)); 雷納 ((Renner, Jeremy)); 史派德 ((Spader, James)); 傑克森 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); Miller, George.; Downey Jr., Robert.; Hemsworth, Chris.; Ruffalo, Mark.; Evans, Chris.; Johansson, Scarlett.; Renner, Jeremy.; Spader, James.; Jackson, Samuel L.
(Projected and video material)
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