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Lessig, Lawrence.

Works: 1 works in 2 publications in 1 languages
網路自由與法律 / by: 雷席格 ((Lessig,Lawrence)); 劉靜怡 ((法律)); Lessig, Lawrence. (Language materials, printed)
Remix : = making art and commerce thrive in the hybrid economy / by: Lessig, Lawrence. (Language materials, printed)
Code : = and other laws of cyberspace / by: Lessig, Lawrence. (Language materials, printed)
Code : = version 2.0 / by: Lessig, Lawrence.; Lessig, Lawrence. (Language materials, printed)
Free culture : = the nature and future of creativity / by: Lessig, Lawrence. (Language materials, printed)
什麼可以打敗美國 / by: 美國; Lessig, Lawrence.; 萊斯格 ((Lessig, Lawrence)); 余麗娜; 余丽娜 (Language materials, printed)
The future of ideas : = the fate of the commons in a connected world / by: Lessig, Lawrence. (Language materials, printed)
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