Rae, Tina.
Works: | 4 works in 0 publications in 0 languages |
Teaching anger management and problem-solving skills /
Rae, Tina.; Marris, Brian.
(Language materials, printed)
Positive people : = a self esteem building course for young children (key stages 1 & 2) /
Rae, Tina.; Moore, Claire.
(Language materials, printed)
Developing emotional literacy with teenage girls : = building confidence, self-esteem and self-respect /
Nelson, Lorna.; Rae, Tina.; Pedersen, Lisa.
(Language materials, printed)
Keep your coooooool! : = stress reducing strategies for Key stage 2 & 3 /
Rae, Tina.; Robinson, George, (1941-)
(Language materials, printed)
Teaching peer support for caring and cooperation : = a six-step method : talk time /
Rae, Tina.; MacConville, Ruth.
(Language materials, printed)
Confidence assertiveness, self-esteem : = a series of 12 sessions for secondary school students /
Rae, Tina.
(Language materials, printed)
Remembering : = providing support for children aged 7 to 13 who have experienced loss and bereavement /
Rae, Tina.; Nelson, Lorna.
(Language materials, printed)
Strictly stress : = effective stress management : a series of 12 sessions for high school students /
Rae, Tina.
(Language materials, printed)
The anger alphabet : = understanding anger : an emotional development programme for young children aged 6 to 11 /
Simmons, Karen.; Rae, Tina.
(Language materials, printed)
Dealing with feeling : = an emotional literacy curriculum /
Rae, Tina.
(Language materials, printed)
Dealing with feeling : = an emotional literacy curriculum for children aged 7-13 /
Rae, Tina.
(Language materials, printed)
School survival : = helping students survive and succeed in secondary school /
Rae, Tina.; Wardle, Chris.
(Language materials, printed)
Emotional survival : = an emotional literacy course for high school students /
Rae, Tina.
(Language materials, printed)
Developing emotional literacy with teenage boys : = building confidence, self-esteem and self-awareness /
Rae, Tina.; Pedersen, Lisa.
(Language materials, printed)
Dealing with some more feelings : = an emotional literacy curriculum : for children aged 7-12 /
Rae, Tina.; Maines, Mel.
(Language materials, printed)
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Stress in children.
Emotional intelligence- Study and teaching.
Teenagers and death.
Emotional intelligence- Study and teaching (Elementary)
Teacher-student relationships.
Social skills- Study and teaching
Grief in adolescence.
Bereavement in adolescence.
Children- Counseling of.
Self-actualization (Psychology) in children.
Social skills- Study and teaching.
Emotional intelligence- Study and teaching (Secondary)- Great Britain.
Emotional intelligence- Study and teaching- Great Britain.
Stress management for teenagers.
Stress in adolescence.
Grief in children.
Girls- Education.
Anger in children.
Children- Conduct of life.
Self-esteem in adolescence.
Social skills- Study and teaching- Great Britain.
Moral education (Elementary)- Great Britain.
Loss (Psychology) in adolescence.
Social interaction in children.
Self-esteem- Study and teaching.
Loss (Psychology) in children.
Interpersonal relations in children.
Peer counseling of students.
Teenage boys- Education- Great Britain.
Self-esteem- Study and teaching (Secondary)- Great Britain.
Students- Psychology.
Emotions- Study and teaching (Elementary)- Great Britain.
Child psychology.
Self-esteem in children.
School psychology.
Stress management for children.
Bereavement in children.
Children and death.
Teenagers- Counseling of.
Group relations training.