Cather, Willa, (1873-1947.)
作品: | 4 作品在 0 項出版品 0 種語言 |
Highlights of modern literature : = a permanent collection of memorable essays from the New York Times book review /
Porter, Katherine Anne, (1890-1980.); MacNeice, Louis, (1907-1963.); Brown, Francis, (1903-1995,); Auden, W. H. (1907-1973.); Spender, Stephen, (1909-1995.); Gordon, Caroline, (1895-1981.); O'Casey, Sean, (1880-1964.); Berryman, John, (1914-1972.); Morley, Christopher, (1890-1957.)
Three classics by American women.
Wharton, Edith, (1862-1937.); Cather, Willa, (1873-1947.); Chopin, Kate, (1850-1904.)
Novels for students. = presenting analysis, context, and crticism on commonly studied novels /. Volume 2
Telgen, Diane,; Gale Group.
The song of the lark /
Cather, Willa, (1873-1947.); Sharistanian, Janet.; Colorado; Chicago (Ill.)
The Selected letters of Willa Cather /
Cather, Willa, (1873-1947.); Jewell, Andrew; Stout, Janis P.
Early novels and stories
NetLibrary, Inc.; Cather, Willa, (1873-1947.); United States
Writer of the plains = a story about Willa Cather /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Ritz, Karen,; Streissguth, Thomas, (1958-)
Novels for students. = presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied novels /. Volume 19
Smith, Jennifer.; Gale Group.
Stories, poems, and other writings /
Cather, Willa, (1873-1947.); United States; Nebraska
Married men- Fiction.- Massachusetts
Frontier and pioneer life- Fiction.- Nebraska
Women singers
Lee, Harper.- To kill a mockingbird.
Tyler, Anne.- Dinner at the homesick restaurant.
Ellison, Ralph.- Invisible man.
Koestler, Arthur,
Lewis, Sinclair,
Steinbeck, John,
American fiction- 20th century.
African American families
Hemingway, Ernest,
American fiction- Women authors.
Love-letters- History.
Novelists, American- 20th century
Civil engineers- Fiction.
Mistresses- Fiction.- England
Brothers and sisters- Fiction.
Literature- History and criticism.
Authors, American.
Achebe, Chinua.- Things fall apart.
Dumas, Alexandre,
Fiction- 19th century.
Frontier and pioneer life- Nebraska
College teachers
Women and literature- History- 20th century.- United States
Women farmers
Women immigrants
Kesey, Ken.- One flew over the cuckoo's nest.
Fiction- Study and teaching (Higher)- United States.
Fiction- Study and teaching (Secondary)- United States.
Bronte, Emily,- Wuthering Heights.
Golding, William,- Lord of the flies.
Golden, Arthur,
Rhys, Jean.
Fiction- 20th century.
Faulkner, William,
Lesbians- Intellectual life.- United States
Young women
Women- Biography.
Keyes, Daniel.- Flowers for Algernon.
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
American fiction- 18th century.
Farmers' spouses- Nebraska
Women pioneers- Nebraska
Teacher-student relationships
Literature, Modern.
Feminism and literature- History- 20th century.- United States
Sexual orientation in literature.
United States- Social life and customs
Cisneros, Sandra.- House on Mango Street.
Fitzgerald, F. Scott- Great Gatsby.
Lee, Lillian.
London, Jack,
Frontier and pioneer life
Virginia- History- 20th century
Children of clergy
Women pioneers
Cather, Willa,- Criticism and interpretation.
Fiction- History and criticism.
Cather, Willa,- My Antonia.
Love stories.
Farm life- Nebraska
Large type books.
Wharton, Edith,
Psychological fiction.
American fiction.
American literature.
Bridges- Design and construction
Nebraska- Fiction.
Opera- Fiction.
Swedish Americans
Farm life- Fiction.
Angelou, Maya.- I know why the caged bird sings.
Conrad, Joseph,- Heart of darkness.
Hardy, Thomas,
James, Henry,
American fiction- 19th century.
World War, 1914-1918
Married women- Nebraska
Middle-aged men
Midlife crisis
Woolf, Virginia,
Literature, Modern- History and criticism.
Homosexuality and literature- History- 20th century.- United States
Cather, Willa,
Women novelists, American- Biography.- 20th century
New Mexico- History- 1848-
Nebraska- Literary collections.
Chicago (Ill.)
Cather, Willa,- Childhood and youth
Knowles, John,- Separate peace.
Cormier, Robert.- Chocolate war.
Atwood, Margaret Eleanor,
English fiction- 19th century.
Farm life