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Weisburd, David.

Works: 1 works in 9 publications in 1 languages
Handbook of quantitative criminology by: Piquero, Alex R.; Weisburd, David.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Language materials, printed)
Putting crime in its place : = units of analysis in geographic criminology / by: Weisburd, David.; Bernasco, Wim, (1961-); Bruinsma, Gerben. (Language materials, printed)
The Criminology of Place = Street Segments and Our Understanding of the Crime Problem / by: Weisburd, David.; Groff, Elizabeth; Yang, Sue-Ming. (Electronic resources)
Understanding recruitment to organized crime and terrorism by: Weisburd, David.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Statistics in criminal justice by: Weisburd, David.; SpringerLink (Online service); Britt, Chester. (Electronic resources)
Policing problem places = crime hot spots and effective prevention / by: Braga, Anthony Allan, (1969-{me_controlnum}); Weisburd, David. (Electronic resources)
What works in crime prevention and rehabilitation = lessons from systematic reviews / by: Weisburd, David.; Farrington, David P.; SpringerLink (Online service); Gill, Charlotte. (Electronic resources)
The criminology of white-collar crime by: Simpson, Sally S.; Weisburd, David.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Language materials, printed)
Encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice by: Bruinsma, Gerben.; Weisburd, David.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Advanced statistics in criminology and criminal justice by: Weisburd, David.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
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