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Halls, W. D.

Works: 1 works in 2 publications in 2 languages
Conflict and consensus : = a general theory of collective decisions / by: Doise, Willem.; Halls, W. D.; Moscovici, Serge. (Language materials, printed)
The division of labor in society / by: Halls, W. D.; Durkheim, Emile, (1858-1917.) (Language materials, printed)
The Division of labour in society / by: Halls, W. D.; Lukes, Steven; Durkheim, Émile, (1858-1917.) (Language materials, printed)
The Division of labor in society / by: Halls, W. D.; Durkheim, Emile, (1858-1917.) (Language materials, printed)
Comparative education : = contemporary issues and trends / by: Halls, W. D.; Unesco. (Language materials, printed)
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