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Witt, Stephen F.

Works: 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
Tourism demand modelling and forecasting = modern econometric approaches / by: Witt, Stephen F.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Song, Haiyan. (Language materials, printed)
Tourism marketing and management handbook / by: Moutinho, Luiz.; Witt, Stephen F. (Language materials, printed)
Portfolio theory and investment management / by: Fielding, John.; Witt, Stephen F.; Dobbins, Richard. (Language materials, printed)
The Management of international tourism / by: Brooke, Michael Z.; Witt, Stephen F.; Buckley, Peter J., (1949-) (Language materials, printed)
Tourism demand modelling and forecasting : = modern econometric approaches / by: Witt, Stephen F.; Song, Haiyan. (Language materials, printed)
Tourism marketing and management handbook / by: Moutinho, Luiz.; Witt, Stephen F. (Language materials, printed)
The advanced econometrics of tourism demand by: Song, Haiyan.{me_controlnum}; Witt, Stephen F.; Li, Gang, (1975-) (Electronic resources)
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