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Silber, William L.

作品: 1 作品在 1 項出版品 1 種語言
The American economy, 1960-2000 : = a retrospective and prospective look / by: Lucas, Henry C.; Silber, William L.; United States; United States; United States; Cyert, Richard Michael, (1921-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Principles of money, banking, and financial markets / by: Silber, William L.; Ritter, Lawrence S.; Udell, Gregory F., (1946-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Financial options : = from theory to practice / by: Figlewski, Stephen.; Silber, William L.; Subrahmanyam, Marti G., (1946-); Salomon Brothers Center for the Study of Financial Institutions. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Principles of money, banking, and financial markets / by: Silber, William L.; Ritter, Lawrence S. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Money / by: Silber, William L.; Ritter, Lawrence S. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
關閉華爾街 : = 1914年金融危機和美元霸權的崛起 / by: 美國; Silber, William L.; 刁琳琳; 余江; 西爾伯 ((Silber, William L.)) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)