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Williams, Tennessee, (1911-1983.)

作品: 1 作品在 0 項出版品 0 種語言
The Glass menagerie : = a play / by: Williams, Tennessee, (1911-1983.); Daniels, Barry V., (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The fugitive kind : = original play title, Orpheus descending / by: Williams, Tennessee, (1911-1983.); Williams, Tennessee, (1911-1983.) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Tennessee Williams : = everyone else is an audience / by: Hayman, Ronald, (1932-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The theatre of Tennessee Williams. by: Williams, Tennessee, (1911-1983.) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The Roman spring of Mrs. Stone / by: Williams, Tennessee, (1911-1983.) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Period of adjustment : = high point over a cavern, a serious comedy / by: Williams, Tennessee, (1911-1983.) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Drama for students. = presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas /. Volume 1 by: Galens, David,; Spampinato, Lynn,; Gale Group. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Family- Drama.- Mississippi Euripides.- Medea. Goldsmith, Oliver,- She stoops to conquer. Rostand, Edmond,- Cyrano de Bergerac. Williams, Tennessee,- Glass menagerie. Dramatists. Albee, Edward,- Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf. Wilson, August.- Fences. Kopit, Arthur L.- Oh Dad, poor Dad, Momma's hung you in the closet and I'm feeling so sad. Williams, Tennessee,- Night of the iguana. Miller, Jason.- Championship season. Odets, Clifford, Terry, Megan. Married people- Drama.- Louisiana Sisters- Drama.- Louisiana Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich,- Cherry orchard. Hart, Moss,- You can't take it with you. Kaufman, George S.- You can't take it with you. Inge, William.- Come back, little Sheba. Orton, Joe.- Entertaining Mr. Sloane. Delaney, Shelagh,- Taste of honey. Everyman. Saroyan, William, Webster, John, Beim, Norman. Hwang, David Henry, Simon, Neil. Sophocles.- Oedipus Rex. Rodgers, Richard,- King and I. Shaw, Bernard,- Pygmalion. Baraka, Imamu Amiri,- Dutchman. Miller, Arthur,- Crucible. Shaw, Bernard,- Major Barbara. Shepard, Sam,- True west. Ford, John,- 'Tis pity she's a whore. Simon, Neil.- Biloxi blues. Walker, Joseph A.,- River Niger. Gale, Zona, Gilroy, Frank Daniel, Schary, Dore. Wasserstein, Wendy. American drama- 20th century. Hughes, Langston, Synge, J. M. Hellman, Lillian,- Little foxes. Ibsen, Henrik,- Doll's house. Miller, Arthur,- Death of a salesman. American drama. Drama Drama. Pinter, Harold,- Homecoming. Williams, Tennessee,- Cat on a hot tin roof. Lloyd Webber, Andrew,- Jesus Christ superstar. Shue, Larry.- Foreigner. Stein, Joseph.- Fiddler on the roof. Connelly, Marc,- Green pastures. Hanff, Helene. Moli�re, Beckett, Samuel, Middleton, Thomas, Williams, Tennessee, Wilder, Thornton,- Our town. Drama- Study and teaching (Secondary)- United States. Odets, Clifford,- Waiting for lefty. Pollock, Sharon.- Blood relations. Capek, Karel,- R.U.R. Pinter, Harold,- Caretaker. Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich,- Chaika. De Hartog, Jan,- Fourposter. Gerstenberg, Alice. Women- Italy Marlowe, Christopher,- Doctor Faustus. Drama- Study and teaching (Higher)- United States. Mamet, David.- American buffalo. Rabe, David.- Basic training of Pavlo Hummel. Beckett, Samuel,- Krapp's last tape. Mamet, David.- Life in the theatre. Rice, Elmer,- Street scene. Wilson, Lanford,- Talley's folly. Zindel, Paul.- Effect of gamma rays on man-in-the-moon marigolds. Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, Glaspell, Susan, Dramatists, American- 20th century Motion picture plays. Theater Coward, Noel,- Private lives. Fugard, Athol.- "Master Harold"...and the boys. Weiss, Peter,- Verfolgung und Ermordung Jean Paul Marats. Barrie, J. M.- Peter Pan. Behan, Brendan.- Hostage. Rice, Tim,- Jesus Christ superstar. Churchill, Caryl.- Top girls. Gogol, Nikolai Vasilevich,- Revizor. Sherwood, Robert E. Widows Rome (Italy) Sophocles.- Antigone. Hammerstein, Oscar,- King and I. Williams, Tennessee,- Streetcar named Desire. Drama- History and criticism. Dramatic criticism. Bond, Edward.- Lear. Hellman, Lillian,- Children's hour. Ayckbourn, Alan,- Chorus of disapproval. Hare, David,- Blue room. Shepard, Sam,- Fool for love. Wilson, August.- Piano lesson. Hofmannsthal, Hugo von,- Tower. O'Neill, Eugene,- Anna Christie. Williams, Tennessee,- Sweet bird of youth. Wilson, August. Drama- 20th century. Gardner, Herb, McCullers, Carson, Americans- Italy Barry Daniels' Tennessee Williams Collection.