Byrne, John A.
作品: | 1 作品在 2 項出版品 1 種語言 |
Business week's guide to the best executive education programs /
Greene, Cynthia.; Byrne, John A.
Jack : = straight from the gut /
Byrne, John A.; General Electric Company; Welch, Jack, (1935-)
Jack : = 20世紀最佳經理人,第一次發言 /
威爾契 ((Welch, Jack, 1935-)); 奇異國際公司(General Electric Company); General Electric Company; 百恩 ((Byrne, John A.)); 黃佳瑜; Byrne, John A.; Welch, Jack, (1935-)
哈佛十傑 : = 建立美國企業帝國的菁英 /
真如; Byrne, John A.; 百恩 ((John A. Byrne)); 福特汽車公司(Ford Motor Company); Ford Motor Company; 陳山
Industrial management- Philosophy.
Business schools- Curricula- United States
Business schools- Faculty- United States
Management- Study and teaching (Higher)- United States
Welch,Jack(John Francis),
奇異國際公司(General Electric Company)- 管理
Chief executive officers- United States
Electric industries- Management- United States
福特汽車公司(Ford Motor Company)- 歷史
Ford Motor Company- History
Electric industries- Management.- United States
威爾契- 傳記
College choice- Handbooks, manuals, etc.- United States
General Electric Company- Management.
Business schools- Evaluation.- United States
Master of business administration degree- Handbooks, manuals, etc.- United States
Master of business administration degree- United States.
企業家- 傳記- 美國
Chief executive officers- Biography.- United States
Business students- Attitudes.- United States
Industrial management- United States.