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Davis, Stephen F.

Works: 2 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
Your graduate training in psychology = effective strategies for success / by: Davis, Stephen F.; Licht, Carolyn A.; Giordano, Peter J. (Electronic resources)
The teaching of psychology = essays in honor of Wilbert J. McKeachie and Charles L. Brewer / by: Brewer, Charles L.; Buskist, William.; Davis, Stephen F.; McKeachie, Wilbert James, (1921-); NetLibrary, Inc. (Language materials, printed)
Your career in psychology = putting your graduate degree to work / by: Davis, Stephen F.; Wiley InterScience (Online service); Giordano, Peter J.; Licht, Carolyn A. (Electronic resources)
Handbook of the teaching of psychology by: Buskist, William.; Davis, Stephen F.; Wiley InterScience (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Handbook of research methods in experimental psychology / by: Davis, Stephen F. (Language materials, printed)
Handbook of research methods in experimental psychology by: Davis, Stephen F. (Electronic resources)
21st century psychology : = a reference handbook / by: Buskist, William.; Davis, Stephen F. (Language materials, printed)
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