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Niven, Paul R.

Works: 1 works in 5 publications in 1 languages
執行OKR帶出強團隊 = Google、Intel、Amazon......一流公司激發個人潛能、凝聚團隊向心力、績效屢創新高的首選目標管理法 / by: Niven, Paul R.; 凌網科技股份有限公司; Lamorte, Ben; 姚怡平; 拉莫 ((Lamorte, Ben)); 尼文 ((Niven, Paul R.)) (Electronic resources)
平衡計分卡最佳實務 : = 按部就班成功導入 / by: 尼文 ((Niven, Paul R.)); 于泳泓; Niven, Paul R. (Language materials, printed)
Balanced scorecard step-by-step for government and nonprofit agencies / by: Niven, Paul R. (Language materials, printed)
實戰平衡計分卡 : = 提升企業競爭優勢 / by: 尼文 ((Niven, Paul R.)); 張美誼; Niven, Paul R. (Language materials, printed)
平衡計分卡最佳實務 : = 按部就班成功導入 / by: 尼文 ((Niven, Paul R.)); 于泳泓; Niven, Paul R. (Language materials, printed)
執行OKR 帶出強團隊 : = Google、Intel、Amazon......一流公司激發個人潛能、凝聚團隊向心力、績效屢創新高的首選目標管理法 / by: 尼文 ((Niven, Paul R.)); Niven, Paul R.; 拉莫 ((Lamorte, Ben)); Lamorte, Ben; 姚怡平 (Language materials, printed)
Balanced scorecard step-by-step for government and nonprofit agencies / by: Niven, Paul R. (Language materials, printed)
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