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Butler, Cornelia H.

Works: 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
On line : = drawing through the twentieth century / by: Butler, Cornelia H.; Zegher, M. Catherine de.; Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.) (Language materials, printed)
Robert Smithson / by: Alberro, Alexander.; Butler, Cornelia H.; Crow, Thomas E., (1948-); Tsai, Eugenie.; Museum of Contemporary Art (Los Angeles, Calif.); Smithson, Robert.; Roth, Moira.; Dallas Museum of Art.; Whitney Museum of American Art. (Language materials, printed)
Marlene Dumas : = measuring your own grave / by: Butler, Cornelia H.; Museum of Contemporary Art (Los Angeles, Calif.); Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.); Menil Collection (Houston, Tex.); Dumas, Marlene, (1953-) (Language materials, printed)
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