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Works: 1 works in 15 publications in 1 languages
你可以不生病 by: 許添盛 (Electronic resources)
小故事大啟示 = 許醫師在治療室中常說的50個故事 = 50 Inspiring stroies from Dr. Hsu / by: 許添盛; 華藝數位股份有限公司; 謝欣頤 (Electronic resources)
心靈改變基因 by: 許添盛 (Electronic resources)
情緒修煉 = Practice through emotions / by: 許添盛; 齊世芳; 華藝數位股份有限公司 (Electronic resources)
人生的轉機 : = 癌症的身心自療法 / by: 雷山 ((LeShan, Lawrence L., 1920- )); 許添盛; 王季慶 (Language materials, printed)
歸零,重新開始 = Ground zero : a starting point for a new life / by: 許添盛; 錡胡睿; 華藝數位股份有限公司 (Electronic resources)
一日一修練 = 重新找回你的感覺 = One practice a day, brighten you. book 3 / by: 許添盛; 華藝數位股份有限公司; 戴禹鑌 (Electronic resources)
不再恐慌 = 自律神經失調的身心靈整合療法 = The cure to panic / by: 許添盛; 張黛眉; 華藝數位股份有限公司 (Electronic resources)
健康之道 = The way foward health / . 第3輯 by: 許添盛 (Sound recordings, nonmusical performance)
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