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Works: 1 works in 6 publications in 1 languages
生涯發展的理論與實務 / by: 宗克爾 ((Zunker, Vernon G.,1927- )); 吳芝儀; Zunker, Vernon G (1927) (Language materials, printed)
輔導與諮商概論 = = Introduction to counseling and guidance / by: 吳芝儀; 吉勃遜 (Gibson, Robert L.); 米契爾 (Mitchell, Marlanne H.); Gibson, Robert L.; Mitchell, Marlanne H. (Language materials, printed)
質的評鑑與研究 / by: 巴頓 ((Patton, Michael Quinn)); 吳芝儀; 李奉儒; Patton, Michael Quinn (Language materials, printed)
敘事研究 = = Narrative research : reading, analysis and interpretation : 閱讀、分析與詮釋 / by: 杜瓦-馬希艾夏 ((Tuval-Mashiach, Rivka)); 李布林克 ((Lieblich, Amia)); 齊柏爾 ((Zilber, Tamar)); 吳芝儀; Lieblich, Amia; Tuval-Mashiach, Rivka; Zilber, Tamar (Language materials, printed)
團體諮商的理論與實務 / by: 柯瑞 ((Corey, Gerald)); 吳芝儀; 張景然; Corey, Gerald (Language materials, printed)
質性研究入門 : = 紮根理論研究方法 / by: 史特勞斯 ((Strauss, Anselm L.)); 科爾賓 ((Corbin, Juliet M., 1942-)); 吳芝儀; 廖梅花; Strauss, Anselm L.; Corbin, Juliet M. (1942-) (Language materials, printed)
質性研究與評鑑 / by: 帕頓 ((Patton, Michanel Quinn)); 吳芝儀; 李奉儒; Pattion, Michanel Quinn (Language materials, printed)
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