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Works: 1 works in 16 publications in 2 languages
用英文介紹台灣 : = 實用觀光導遊英語 / by: 歐赫干 ((O'Hagan, Paul)); 臺灣; 奧黑根 ((O'Hagan, Paul)); 郭菀玲; 丁宥榆; O'Hagan, Paul; Mckimm, Owain; 丁斯萊 ((Tinsley, Peg)); 麥津 ((Mckimm, Owain)); 蔡裴驊; Tinsley, Peg (Language materials, printed)
綺想.格林童話 = = Tales of the Brothers Grimm / by: 格林兄弟 ((Grimm, Brothers)); 韓特 ((Hunt, Margaret)); 丁宥榆; Hunt, Margaret; Grimm, Brothers (Language materials, printed)
全美最強教授的17堂論文寫作必修課 : = 150句學術英文寫作句型 從表達、討論、寫作到論述 建立批判思考力與邏輯力 / by: 葛拉夫 ((Graff, Gerald)); 柏肯斯坦 ((Birkenstein, Cathy)); 丁宥榆; Graff, Gerald; Birkenstein, Cathy (Language materials, printed)
彩圖實境旅遊英語 / by: 華爾希 ((Walsh, P.)); 華希 ((Walsh, P.)); 丁宥榆; 賴祖兒; Walsh, P. (Language materials, printed)
歐.亨利短篇小說選 / by: 亨利 ((Henry, O.)); 丁宥榆; Henry, O. (Language materials, printed)
批判性寫作 : = 西洋文史閱讀素養 / by: 丁宥榆; 利伯曼 ((Liebman, Jesse)); Liebman, Jesse (Language materials, printed)
歐.亨利短篇小說選 / by: 亨利 ((Henry, O.)); 丁宥榆; Henry, O. (Language materials, printed)
英會話Make It! = = Practical expressions foreveryday talk / . 場面攻略篇 by: 山口俊治; 丁宥榆; 陳冠如; 陳美如 (Language materials, printed)
口語英語語法聖經 / by: 丁宥榆; 利奇 ((Leech, Geoffrey)); Leech, Geoffrey; Svartvik, Jan; 史瓦特維克 ((Svartvik, Jan)); 賴鈺榮 (Language materials, printed)
彩圖中級英文文法Let's See! / by: 拉斯 ((Rath, Alex)); 謝竹君; 丁宥榆; Rath, Alex (Language materials, printed)
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