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Williams, Allan M.

Works: 3 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
Tourism and tourism spaces / by: Williams, Allan M.; Shaw, Gareth. (Language materials, printed)
Tourism and innovation by: Hall, Colin Michael, (1961-{me_controlnum}); Williams, Allan M. (Electronic resources)
Critical issues in tourism : = a geographical perspective / by: Williams, Allan M.; Shaw, Gareth. (Language materials, printed)
A companion to tourism / by: Hall, Colin Michael, (1961-.); Lew, Alan A.; Williams, Allan M. (Language materials, printed)
Tourism and migration : = new relationships between production and consumption / by: Hall, Colin Michael, (1961-); Williams, Allan M. (Language materials, printed)
The rise and fall of British coastal resorts : = cultural and economic perspectives / by: Shaw, Gareth.; Williams, Allan M. (Language materials, printed)
Tourism and economic development : = European experiences / by: Shaw, Gareth.; Williams, Allan M. (Language materials, printed)
Critical issues in tourism : = a geographical perspective / by: Williams, Allan M.; Shaw, Gareth. (Language materials, printed)
Tourism and economic development : = Western European experiences / by: Shaw, Gareth.; Williams, Allan M. (Language materials, printed)
Tourism and innovation / by: Williams, Allan M.; Hall, Colin Michael, (1961-) (Language materials, printed)
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