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Clifford, James, (1945-)

Works: 3 works in 1 publications in 1 languages
Routes : = travel and translation in the late twentieth century / by: Clifford, James, (1945-) (Language materials, printed)
路徑 : = 20世紀晚期的旅行與翻譯 / by: 克里弗德 ((Clifford, James),) (1945-); Clifford, James, (1945-); Kolas Yotaka; 張瀠之; 林徐達 (Language materials, printed)
Writing culture : = the poetics and politics of ethnography / by: Clifford, James, (1945-); Marcus, George E.; Fortun, Kim.; School of American Research (Santa Fe, N.M.) (Language materials, printed)
On the edges of anthropology : = interviews / by: Clifford, James, (1945-) (Language materials, printed)
Writing culture : = the poetics and politics of ethnography : a School of American Research advanced seminar / by: Clifford, James, (1945-); Marcus, George E.; School of American Research (Santa Fe, N.M.) (Language materials, printed)
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