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Judge, George G.

Works: 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
Undergraduate econometrics / by: Griffiths, William E.; Judge, George G.; Hill, Carter R. (Language materials, printed)
Readings in econometric theory and practice : = a volume in honor of George Judge / by: Bock, M. E.; Griffiths, William E.; Judge, George G.; L真差kepohl, Helmut. (Language materials, printed)
Introduction to the theory and practice of econometrics / by: Judge, George G. (Language materials, printed)
Learning and practicing econometrics / by: Hill, R. Carter.; Judge, George G.; Griffiths, William E. (Language materials, printed)
Econometric foundations / by: Judge, George G.; Mittelhammer, Ron.; Miller, Douglas. (Language materials, printed)
Introduction to the theory and practice of econometrics / by: Judge, George G.; Hill, R. Carter.; Lutkepohl, Helmut.; Griffiths, William.; Lee, Tsoung-Chao. (Language materials, printed)
An Information theoretic approach to econometrics / by: Judge, George G.; Mittelhammer, Ron. (Language materials, printed)
Improved methods of inference in econometrics / by: Yancey, Thomas A.; Judge, George G. (Language materials, printed)
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