Aggleton, Peter.
Works: | 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages |
Sex, drugs and young people : = international perspectives /
Aggleton, Peter.; Ball, Andrew.; Mane, Purnima N.
(Language materials, printed)
Youth, sexuality and sexual citizenship
Aggleton, Peter.; Cover, Rob.; Leahy, Deana.; Marshall, Daniel.; Rasmussen, Mary Louise, (1967-)
(Electronic resources)
AIDS : = facing the second decade /
Aggleton, Peter.; Davies, Peter; Hart, Graham.; UK Conference on Social Aspects of AIDS (1992 :)
(Language materials, printed)
Framing the sexual subject = the politics of gender, sexuality, and power /
Aggleton, Peter.; Barbosa, Regina Maria.; Parker, Richard G. (1956-); NetLibrary, Inc.
(Language materials, printed)
Mobility, sexuality and AIDS /
Aggleton, Peter.; Haour-Knipe, Mary.; Thomas, Felicity.
(Language materials, printed)
Sex- Political aspects
Sexual Behavior.
AIDS (Disease)- Epidemiology.
Emigration and immigration- Health aspects.
HIV Infections- transmission.
Risk Assessment.
Sid歋ens- Droits
Youth- Drug use
Socioeconomic Factors.
Sexual minority youth.
R緌le selon le sexe- Aspect politique
Sexualit歋- Aspect politique
Cross-Cultural Comparison.
Youth- Sexual behavior.
AIDS (Disease)- Social aspects
AIDS (Disease)- Patients
Power (Social sciences)
Pouvoir (Sciences sociales)- 榼tudes transculturelles.
Youth- Sexual behavior
Substance-Related Disorders.
Emigration and Immigration.
Sex (Psychology)- Social aspects.
Medical geography.
Sex role- Political aspects
Sexual minorities- Identity.