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Aggleton, Peter.

Works: 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
Sex, drugs and young people : = international perspectives / by: Aggleton, Peter.; Ball, Andrew.; Mane, Purnima N. (Language materials, printed)
Youth, sexuality and sexual citizenship by: Aggleton, Peter.; Cover, Rob.; Leahy, Deana.; Marshall, Daniel.; Rasmussen, Mary Louise, (1967-) (Electronic resources)
AIDS : = facing the second decade / by: Aggleton, Peter.; Davies, Peter; Hart, Graham.; UK Conference on Social Aspects of AIDS (1992 :) (Language materials, printed)
Framing the sexual subject = the politics of gender, sexuality, and power / by: Aggleton, Peter.; Barbosa, Regina Maria.; Parker, Richard G. (1956-); NetLibrary, Inc. (Language materials, printed)
Mobility, sexuality and AIDS / by: Aggleton, Peter.; Haour-Knipe, Mary.; Thomas, Felicity. (Language materials, printed)
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