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Bouckaert, Geert.

Works: 11 works in 2 publications in 1 languages
Public management reform = a comparative analysis / by: Bouckaert, Geert.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Pollitt, Christopher. (Language materials, printed)
Public management reform : = a comparative analysis / by: Bouckaert, Geert.; Pollitt, Christopher. (Language materials, printed)
Performance management in the public sector / by: Dooren, Wouter van.; Bouckaert, Geert.; Halligan, John. (Language materials, printed)
The coordination of public sector organizations = shifting patterns of public management / by: Bouckaert, Geert.; Palgrave Connect (Online service); Peters, B. Guy.; Verhoest, Koen. (Electronic resources)
Performance management in the public sector / by: Dooren, Wouter van.; Bouckaert, Geert.; Halligan, John, (1941-) (Language materials, printed)
Managing performance : = international comparisons / by: Bouckaert, Geert.; Halligan, J. (Language materials, printed)
Local public sector reforms in times of crisis = national trajectories and international comparisons / by: Bouckaert, Geert.; SpringerLink (Online service); Kuhlmann, Sabine. (Electronic resources)
Continuity and change in public policy and management / by: Pollitt, Christopher.; Bouckaert, Geert. (Language materials, printed)
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