Adaptive computation and machine learning

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gaussian processes for machine learn...
gaussian processes for machine learning /
minimum description length principle
minimum description length principle
probabilistic machine learning :
probabilistic machine learning :
deep learning /
deep learning /
learning kernel classifiers :
learning kernel classifiers :
principles of data mining /
principles of data mining /
semi-supervised learning /
semi-supervised learning /
principles of data mining /
principles of data mining /
causation, prediction, and search /
causation, prediction, and search /
learning with kernels :
learning with kernels :
learning with kernels :
learning with kernels :
principles of data mining
principles of data mining
introduction to machine learning /
introduction to machine learning /
probabilistic machine learning :
probabilistic machine learning :
bioinformatics :
bioinformatics :
introduction to machine learning /
introduction to machine learning /
causation, prediction, and search
causation, prediction, and search
learning with kernels
learning with kernels
learning kernel classifiers
learning kernel classifiers