digital video communications /
digital video communications /
fax :
atm switching systems /
customer-centered telecommunications...
customer-centered telecommunications services marketing
videoconferencing and videotelephony
videoconferencing and videotelephony
spectrum wars :
atm interworking in broadband wirele...
atm interworking in broadband wireless applications
principles of modern optical systems /
principles of modern optical systems /
law and regulation of telecommunicat...
law and regulation of telecommunications carriers /
protocol management in computer netw...
protocol management in computer networking
lans to wans
broadband local loops for high-speed...
broadband local loops for high-speed internet access
telecommunications technology handbook
telecommunications technology handbook
telecommunications department management
telecommunications department management
packet video :
videoconferencing and videotelephony :
videoconferencing and videotelephony :
visual telephony /
telecommunications deregulation /
telecommunications deregulation /
performance of tcp/ip over atm networks
performance of tcp/ip over atm networks
strategies for success in the new te...
strategies for success in the new telecommunications marketplace