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writing taiwan :
writing taiwan :
asian family in literature and film
asian family in literature and film
postcolonial vietnam :
postcolonial vietnam :
civilization and monsters :
civilization and monsters :
dancing with the dead :
dancing with the dead :
asian family in literature and film
asian family in literature and film
adam smith to michael porter
adam smith to michael porter
guanxi and business
guanxi and business
modern chinese literary and cultural...
modern chinese literary and cultural studies in the age of theory :
envisioning taiwan :
envisioning taiwan :
asian children's literature and film...
asian children's literature and film in a global age
writing taiwan
writing taiwan
british romanticism in asia
british romanticism in asia
uncovering heian japan
uncovering heian japan
painting the city red :
painting the city red :
robinson crusoe in asia
robinson crusoe in asia
islamic banking and finance in south...
islamic banking and finance in south-east asia
kurosawa :
kurosawa :
asian english
asian english
chinese may fourth generation and th...
chinese may fourth generation and the irish literary revival