Chandos information professional series

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頁數: [ 1 ] 2 3 4 5
excellence in the stacks
excellence in the stacks
exploring education for digital libr...
exploring education for digital librarians
library classification trends in the...
library classification trends in the 21st century
staff-less libraries
staff-less libraries
international librarianship at home ...
international librarianship at home and abroad
competitive intelligence for informa...
competitive intelligence for information professionals
emergent theory of digital library m...
emergent theory of digital library metadata
introduction to bibliometrics
introduction to bibliometrics
becoming a lean library
becoming a lean library
law librarianship in academic libraries
law librarianship in academic libraries
new roles for research librarians
new roles for research librarians
accidental information discovery
accidental information discovery
front-line librarianship
front-line librarianship
librarian's guide to academic resear...
librarian's guide to academic research in the cloud
fear to flow
fear to flow
scholarly communication in library a...
scholarly communication in library and information services
records classification :
records classification :
intersection :
intersection :
re-inventing the book :
re-inventing the book :
agriculture to zoology :
agriculture to zoology :