schools for all
montessori method
mannual of the system of teaching an...
mannual of the system of teaching and the british and foreign schools society
buch der mutter /
essays on education by milton, locke...
essays on education by milton, locke, and the authors of the spectator
emiliux ; or, an essay on education /
emiliux ; or, an essay on education /
evolution of educational theory
evolution of educational theory
institution of a young nobleman
institution of a young nobleman
scholemster or plaine and perfite wa...
scholemster or plaine and perfite way of teachyng children
dewey on education :
hints addressed to the patrons and d...
hints addressed to the patrons and directors of schools
letters on early education
letters on early education
he education of the poor /
he education of the poor /
stirctures on the modern system of f...
stirctures on the modern system of female education /
bericht uber die arman-erziehungs-an...
bericht uber die arman-erziehungs-anstalt in hofwyl
rapport sur l'instruction publigue, ...
rapport sur l'instruction publigue, fait aunom du comite de constitution a l'assemblee nationale
sketch of a plan and method of education
sketch of a plan and method of education
beluchtung einer weltgerichtlichen f...
beluchtung einer weltgerichtlichen frage an unsern zeitgeist
two [sic] books of francis bacon, of...
two [sic] books of francis bacon, of the proficience and aduancement of learning, divine and humane.
mutter-und kose lieder /