Ecological studies ;

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quantitative methods in landscape ec...
quantitative methods in landscape ecology :
ecosystem approaches to landscape ma...
ecosystem approaches to landscape management in central europe /
forest decline and ozone :
forest decline and ozone :
aralkum - a man-made desert
aralkum - a man-made desert
fire in tropical savannas
fire in tropical savannas
growth and defence in plants :
growth and defence in plants :
pollination ecology and the rain for...
pollination ecology and the rain forest :
biodiversity and ecosytem function /
biodiversity and ecosytem function /
ecology of large herbivores in south...
ecology of large herbivores in south and southeast asia
rocky shores :
rocky shores :
big-leaf mahogany
big-leaf mahogany
fire and climatic change in temperat...
fire and climatic change in temperate ecosystems of the western americas
fire and climatic change in temperat...
fire and climatic change in temperate ecosystems of the western americas
ecology and biogeography of mediterr...
ecology and biogeography of mediterranean ecosystems in chile, california, and australia /
mycorrhizal ecology /
mycorrhizal ecology /
palms in forest ecosystems of amazonia /
palms in forest ecosystems of amazonia /
permafrost ecosystems
permafrost ecosystems
interactions between biosphere, atmo...
interactions between biosphere, atmosphere and human land use in the amazon basin
productivity and sustainability of s...
productivity and sustainability of southern forest ecosystems in a changing environment /
landscape boundaries :
landscape boundaries :